Aiden: Bite Those Cheeks

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Aiden's POV

The new house was big. Way bigger than the dingy flats I was used to, so I took my time looking around. At the same time I thought about the hot, but weird girl next door.

After seeing her, I knew I had to have her. Something inside me was telling me that I needed her, and for more than just a one night fling.

I knew I was a handsome devil-thank you Ma for the good genes-so it wouldn't take much. In fact, I was uncharacteristically looking forwards to school so I could get to know her.

There was only one high school in this place - Westgate High and the likelihood that she went there was pretty dang high.

"Aiden? You finished setting up yet? Hurry on downstairs and help me take this apple pie to our neighbours."

She pause for second then shouted out again, "and don't you go acting all cocky, and moody, alright? I want to be friendly with the neighbours. Not like before? Okay?"

I winced at the mention of our previous neighbours. Turned out that Mr Flynn was the chief of police. It would have been nice to know that tidbit before me and some mates trashed his lawn because his son, Derek was an ass.

I was used to spending the night in a cell, but Mr Flynn gave a new meaning to the term 'Devil'. He had made sure I couldn't sleep a wink that night-he had put me in with some guy that kept looking at me funny. I had to stay awake to make sure the guy didn't do anything to me. I was shuddering as I walked into to kitchen, which caused my mother to look at me funny.

"Okay, then, let's go, shall we," she picked up her freshly baked apple pie I knew was delicious from experience and made her way outside with me trailing behind. Then she turned and made her way to underwear chick's house.

I don't think I have ever ran so fast. I rushed in front of her and got to the door first and rung the bell.

"Yes?" And there she was.

I'm not a romantic kind of guy. Not at all. In fact, most girls would call me a player, and I was. Romance just wasn't my style. But I swear that it was love at first sight. She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Her eyes were a startling green, and her hair looked even better close up. She had opened the door with a smile, and it brought out her dimples.

What the hell was she doing to me? I wanted to bite those cheeks. Quickly, I shoved my hysterical emotions in a corner, and gave her a charming smile. Act cool. Aiden. Act cool.

"Hey, my names Aiden. My mother and I just moved in next door, and just came over to say hello". It was at that moment that my mother popped her head out from behind me and gave the pretty girl a smile.

"Hello, darling. I'm Mrs Wyatt, but you can call me Lily." She gave a small laugh, "do you mind if we come in? It's a bit chilly out here, and look," she exclaimed holding out her pie, "we come bearing gifts".

The girl laughed and moved to the side, gesturing us inside.

"Come in, come in. You guys came on a great day. It's Izzy's - my little sister's birthday today. I'm sure she will love the pie oh! And before I forget, my names Kyra. Kyra Gilligan. It's a pleasure to meet you both," she said, offering us another breath taking smile.

Same here Kyra. Same here.

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