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Twigs scraped up against my bare arms and legs as I ran. My breathing was short and ragged. The sound of running footsteps were surrounding me, coming from every direction. Stopping wasn't an option, stopping meant capture. Capture meant death or torture.

They were close behind me. To close. I wasn't going to make it. I heard the sounds of Ron getting caught and I knew it was over we couldn't leave him. I quickly threw a stinging hex towards Harry before we were surrounded by snatchers. My arms were pulled behind my back and I was held still. Ron and Harry were in the same predicament.

"What happened to your face" a nameless catcher questions looking at his puffed up and swollen face.

"Allergy" he answers quickly without looking him in the eye.

"What are your name's" Fenrir Greyback growls. I know him. I wish I didn't. He was one of them at the Burrow.

"Penelope Clearwater"

"Vernon Dudley"

"Stan Shunpike"

"Wait a minute what's that on your head there" Scabior says coming forward pointing at the stretched out bolt of lightning on Harry's head. His eyes widen significantly when he looks closely. It's over it's all over. They know it's him. Their going to kill us all. I'm going to die while my parents don't even remember that they have a daughter. Harry's going to die without saving the wizarding world. No, I won't let that happen we'll get out of this. We always do.

"We're taking this lot directly to Malfoy Manor. That right there is the one and only Harry Potter. So that makes that one Ronald Weasley and this one Hermione Granger" he announces pointing at each one of us as he speaks out name.

He walks over to me and caresses my cheek. I shiver in disgust. "GET OFF HER" Ron shouts from where he is being held. He is swiftly punched in the stomach and I struggle to get to him.

"Take them now" Scabior snaps and I'm suddenly being apparated. We appear outside of Malfoy manor in any other situation I would have marveled at the beauty of it. Instead I struggle and fight to get as far away from it as I possibly can. It's no use. We get dragged to the gate anyway.

They push a button and a few moments later the sneering face of Bellatrix Lestrange appears. My heartbeat accelerates. She's insane she will stop at nothing to get what she wants or what the dark lord wants.

"What do you want" she hisses at the snatchers.

"We have Harry Potter" Scabior answers pointing at Harry.

A wide smirk starts to grow across her face. "Bring them in"

The gates open and we are dragged in. We're dragged into a room that holds Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco Malfoy.

I look into Draco's eyes silently pleading for help. Pleading for him to do something. I think for a moment that I see a spark of something in his eyes. But in an instance it's gone and his cold demeanor has returned. I knew he disliked us but I never thought that he would sit idly by as we were tortured or killed or whatever it is that they had planned for us.

I snap back into reality at the sounds of fighting. Bellatrix has seen Scabior holding the sword of Gryffindor that was supposed to be in her vault at gringotts.

"You took it. You took it from my vault" Bellatrix screeches.

"We didn't take anything" Ron replies quickly.

"I don't believe you. Take the boys to the cellar. I want to have a chat with this one. Girl to girl" she shrieks looking at me.

Terror shoots through my body. I don't want to be alone with her. What's she going to do.

"NO TAKE ME INSTEAD" Ron yells as he's dragged down into the cellar with Harry.

"Now, if you tell me what you took I won't have to hurt you" she says while twirling her wand.

"We didn't take anything" I declare staring her right in the eye. If I'm going to die I'm not going to die like a coward.

"Hmm well we'll have to see if a bit of the cruciatus might loosen your tongue" she says glaring at me.


I hear a scuffle and we both turn before she can throw the curse at me. Lucius is holding Draco back with one arm with his other hand was over Draco's mouth.

"Is there a problem" Bellatrix asks angrily glaring at Draco.

"No everything's fine" Lucius replies also glaring at Draco.

He was trying to help me.


Suddenly Draco is standing right in front of me blocking her from hitting me with the spell.

"Don't, she's not like the rest of them. She's only seventeen. She doesn't know who she's fighting for or against" he exclaims.

"EXPELLIARMUS" Ron and Harry run up the stairs both with wands in hand. Thank goodness.

I hear a squeaking above my head and next thing I know I was being shoved backwards and the chandelier from above crashed onto the ground exactly where I was standing. Draco was laying on the ground next to me. He must have pushed me out of the way.

Dobby was standing behind Ron and Harry holding a screw. Harry reaches his hand out to me as Dobby gets ready to apparate them out of the manor.

I leap out with my hand extended trying to get to them before they apparate away. I'm pulled back as a hand wraps around my ankle. A knife flys by, exactly where my head would have been if I hadn't had been pulled back. I would have been dead right now.

I cry out as I see Harry and Ron disappear into a whirling pool of light. With the last echo of Harry calling my name I realize that I'm stuck here at Malfoy Manor with my enemies. In the last circle of the apparation cloud I see Bellatrix's knife disappear with it. With a loud crack my only hope of escape disappears along with my two best friends.

Hey everyone *waves*. I'm really excited for this new story. It's going to be similar to Hermione the Deatheater in some ways so if you liked that story you're going to like this one too. But this is in know way connected to Hermione the Deatheater. Characters in this story act different and aren't in the same relationships and families as Hermione the Deatheater. Now to those who haven't read my other story's, hi glad to see my audience is growing. If you like this story please go check out my others. Thank you all for reading and I'm glad to be writing again(-:

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