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All of us are hanging out in the living room when there is a knock at the door. Lucius opens the door and sticks his head in.

"There's a visitor here for one of you I don't know which one of you. She didn't specify and I didn't ask" he tells us before closing the door again.

"Race you" Malfoy says with a smirk before bolting out the door.

We all tear off after him.

"CHEATER" I yell as I edge my way in front of Daphne.

We make it to the bottom of the staircase out of breath and panting. Pansy somehow won but I think that's mostly because she caught up with Malfoy and tripped him right before he reached the stairs. She didn't like losing.

We walk into the greeting room to hear a conversation I didn't expect.

"You definitely have a nargle problem sir. I can give you a necklace to keep them away if you would like."

"That won't be necessary Miss Lovegood but thanks for the offer. I don't feel that a necklace would go with my dark lord persona."

Why was Luna Lovegood and Voldemort having a conversation. I don't know how I feel about that.

"Well take it anyway it should ward them off I would hate to see something important go missing"

He takes the necklace and slips it in his pocket. "I will keep this just in case but I must get going." He leaves the room and heads back towards the office.

As soon as he's out of sight Astoria hurry's forward and hugs Luna. She gives her a quick peck on the lips and they both turn to face us while holding each others hand.

"I have so many questions" I blurt out.

"Ask away Hermione" Astoria reply's.

"Why is Luna here, why do her and Voldemort get along, are you two dating, how long, just how in general? I'm very confused"

"I'm here because I overheard the Order talking about how you're alive. Oh ya plus I just found out that Snape is a spy so I thought you might want to know that." Luna answers with the same serene smile she always has.

"The two of them get along because when Luna was 'in prisoned' here the two of them had conversations. And yes we are dating we've been dating for 6 months and it happened before she even got caught here. It started at Hogwarts when we were partners in potions." Astoria says answering the rest of my questions.

"And I thought she was supposed to be the brightest witch of her age" Theo scoffs.

"And I thought you were supposed to be cute. Looks like we're both disappointed."

"Fight me Granger"

"Lets go then Knot"

Neither of us move from our spots. We've gotten to the point where we don't actually fight anymore. Just threaten to.

"I see Hermione is not dead now. I never did think she was though it didn't seem right" Luna says.

"Thank you Luna at least someone didn't immediately believe I was dead."

Luna decided to hang out for a little while. Until Rabastian runs in out of breathe and panting.

"Ministry raid. It's one of the only parts of the ministry that the dark lord doesn't control yet. Everyone that's not Draco needs to hide. Or they'll take you back home." He motions for us to get up and we all run after him.

Everyone but Narcissa and Draco have to hide due to Azkaban escapes and being here against the will of their parents. We make our way towards the safety room which is just a cellar that's behind a painting but apparently it pretty safe.

We all make our way in before they lock the door. Pansy and I make our way over to one of the couches that line the walls.

"I've been meaning to ask but do you know who Draco likes I've overheard some things and I don't know who he's taking about" I ask her. I might as well. I don't know who else I would ask.

She looks at me her expression deadpan. "You're so dumb" she groans shaking her head.

"Is it that obvious? Is it Daphne? I don't know Pansy"

She gets up and patronizingly pats me head. "Poor stupid Hermione" she shakes her head before walking off to sit with Marcus.

Blaise starts to walk over and plops down next to me. He puts his legs on top of me and lays down.

"Get your legs off of me you big lug" I groan trying to push his legs off but they're to heavy.

"So now that you're done trying to uproot me I was wondering how you feel about Draco"

"Malfoy? He's alright not as big of a prat that he used to be but still annoying."

"I see but do you feel like he has any good qualities"

"I don't know he seems pretty protective over you guys. Kinda of like how Harry and Ron were with me before they thought I was dead" my voice kinda falters at the end.

"Do you miss them?"

" I guess, I mean they didn't even try looking for me to see if I was ok. They didn't even send an owl."

"Fair enough"

"Are all of you going back to Hogwarts?" I ask changing the subject.

"Not anymore it's not safe. Ginny Weasley and Neville think Draco killed you. It's dangerous for any friends of Draco. So we're staying here now. Bella said she'd help teach us."

"Do you think she would teach me too. I miss Hogwarts. I've been out searching for horcruxs all year."

"I'm pretty sure she would. She's not as bad as she seems."

"Ya I know I talked to her not to long ago I would like to talk to her more though."

We talk for a little while longer before we're told it's safe to come back up. Luna leaves right away saying she has to get back before they suspect anything.

I'm in my room reading when the door bangs open and Rabastian walks in.

"Hermione come with me we have someone from the Order in the cellar. We need your opinion on whether to keep him alive or not.

Hey guys sorry for the length of time with no updates but I'm back now. I wanted to announce that anyone wanting to help out with my Harry Potter book club to check out the latest chapter on hpbookawards  it has all the information so go check it out. Thanks for reading(-:

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