Aftershock ( COMING SOON )

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         On January 12 , 2010 a       7.0 Catastrophic magnitude earthquake hit Haiti,  yet 4 years later  the country is yet to recover.

It killed approximately 230, 000 people and left 1.5 million people homeless.

This will take you through the journey of 14 year old Marie , whom lost her mother , brother and many friends to the quake on January 12.


"  Marie " her dad shouted.

" Wi papa " , Marie answered as she got up so see what her father needed. They was staying in a friends home since the earthquake took their house  and every little thing they owned.

Marie remembered the earthquake like it was yesterday.

   It was a total 6 of us in the house my brother Jean,  Marquis,  Pierre, Emmanuel , myself and my best friend Gregory. We were at the neighbors house watching television since the electricity came on, which was rare in Port-au-Prince. We were all watching Titanic , laughing at how crazy in love Jack and Rose was when suddenly the ground started shaking.

We started screaming because we didn't know what was going on. I grabbed my brothers since they was near me and held on to them for dear life. It felt like ground was opening up.  I closed my eyes as I heard the ceiling collapsed. I was praying to God asking him to take care of us in that house.

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