Where's My Bestfriend?

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I couldn't understand why this had to happen to my brother, he was only 5 years old he hadn't done anything wrong,  he always behaved. Looking down at my dead brother in my arms caused me to break down again , it hurt so bad. My brother was gone , he was really gone...

Looking at my other brothers crying and holding on to Pierre dead body made me decide that I was gonna be strong for my brothers,  I wasn't gonna do it for myself but for them I couldn't let them see me so broken down like this. They always looked up to me and I wanted them to know that we was gonna be okay, we was gonna get through this together as a family.

While I was in my deep in my thoughts I felt the ground started to shake once more, this time I made sure I had all my brothers near me while the monster who took my brother Pierre life just a view minutes ago started to shake faster and faster.  I said a silent prayer asking God to protect us.

Suddenly the ground stopped shaking,  I open my eyes to exam the area around me. The house that was in pieces but somehow my brothers and I remained untouched, how great is our God? I couldn't help but say a prayer thanking him.

As I was looking around I noticed a bloody body on the ground,  for a second I thought it was Pierre dead body but I was still holding unto his body just like my other brother were. My brothers,  myself and my best friend Greg were the only ones in the house " O BONDYE ( oh God) ",  I shouted as I realized that the bloody body was my best friend, my best friend was gone

I rushed up and went to his side,  I couldn't believe that he was gone, just a few minutes ago I lost my brother now my best friend.

Greg and I have been friends since we was in diapers, we lived right next door to each other , our mothers was childhood friends so him & I was bound to be friends. He was like a big brother to me, he protected me when boys was trying to tease me,  he even threaten the girls for me and now he was gone... my best friend, my protector. I couldn't be strong no more, I broke down looking at his bloody body on the ground. I just lost my brother now my best friend?  why was this happening to me?  what did I do to deserve this?  I never stole,  I listen to my parents,  I obeyed them so why me?  I know I made mistakes but I didn't deserve this,  my brother and my best friend didn't deserve to die like that..who was gonna protect me from those boys and those evil girls?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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