Cast of Characters (includes spoilers)

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***Main Characters***

• Ryanne (formerly Ryan) - A girl in her 20s originally born in Mauville City, Hoenn. Ryanne's adventures have brought her and her team to every region except for Johto. Ryanne originally held the title (but not the position) of the Kalos Champion, but since leaving for Alola, the title has since been usurped by another trainer. Ryanne has since taken over the responsibility of Team Skull's reformation to varying degrees of success, and is dating Mallow, an Alolan Trial Captain. At the beginning of the series, Ryanne came out as Transgender and is in the process of transitioning. Thankfully she has the support of her friends and her Pokemon to keep her strong.

• Mallow - Alola's Grass Type Trial Captain from Konikoni City, Akala Island. Mallow is fairly busy, balancing working in her parents' restaurant and maintaining Akala Island's Lush Jungle for Trial Goers.

• Lillie - Daughter of Lusamine, the Aether Foundation's Founder, and a friend of Ryanne and Mallow. Lillie is Alola's Ice Type Trial Captain stationed on Mount Lanakila, Ula'ula Island. Lillie suffers from low self confidence as a result of the her mothers actions, but has been growing in confidence with the help from her friends.

• Lilith - The oldest daughter of Ryanne's sister, Lilith is a novice trainer who has only earned three badges back in her home region of Hoenn, yet she shows much promise. Lilith has a hard time connecting with other kids her age, so enjoys her aunt's company. Recently, she's been in contact with Ryanne more due to her parents' relationship issues.

• Kira - A trainer in her 20s born in Goldenrod City, Johto. Kira is a gifted Pokemon Coordinator who has crossed paths with Ryanne a couple times, and they formed a close bond. Patches, her Pachirisu, is her star Pokémon.

***Ryanne's Main Pokemon (yes, I know there are more than 6, PCs are a thing)***

• Kyu - A Sylveon, and Ryanne's lead Pokemon. She acts as the "mom" to Ryanne's team and is frequently seen outside of her Pokeball. Kyu waited to evolve until Ryanne came out, and likes wrapping her feelers around her Trainer's wrist.

• Duck Duck Z (aka "Z") - A Porygon-Z, and a special attacking powerhouse on Ryanne's team. When something needs to be blasted, "Z" is on the case!

• Mettaton - A Metagross and a physical attacking powerhouse on Ryanne's team. When something needs to be smashed, Mettaton is on the case!

• Sherwood - A Sceptile, and Ryanne's starter Pokemon when she began her journey  years ago. A loyal friend who always has a knowing look.

• Darkrai - An odd Pokemon who refuses to go by any nickname. Darkrai has little patience for tomfoolery, but respects that Ryanne gives them their own space. 

• Ozone - A Drifblim, and the last Pokemon Ryanne caught during her Kalos journey. Frequently seen as her ride Pokemon: Drifblim Soar.

• Pikachu - A Mimikyu, and a fairly shy member of Ryanne's team. Xe use the neutral pronouns Xe/Xem/Xyr and care more about their mimicry of Pikachu than combat. Ryanne finds them relatable and to be rather endearing.

• Mr. Hyde - a Midnight Lycanroc, and Ryanne's only shiny Pokemon. Mr. Hyde can be rather timid, but is a capable fighter when need be.

• Kendra (aka Kenny) - A Whimsicott, and a fairly recent addition to Ryanne's roster. Is fairly playful and frequently thinks outside the box.

• Simulacrum (aka "Sim") - A Silvally, and the first one of its kind to be bred from an egg. Has a fairly wild streak that Ryanne has had difficulty taming.

***Supporting Cast***

• Paul - A trainer from the Kanto region who Ryanne temporarily mentored. While his win streak isn't the best, he shows a lot of skill, and he cares deeply for his Pokemon. 

• Kaladin - A powerful trainer from the Hoenn region, and Ryanne's original rival. He is the only male Battle Chatelain at Hoenn's Battle Resort and has a massive collection of powerful Pokemon. Despite his inflated ego, he is a good friend once you get to know him.

• Werdna - A Pokemon Coordinator who is friends with Ryanne and rival to Kira. His style is as full of panache on-stage as it is off-stage, and each of his Pokemon share in that elegance.

• Kale - A younger trainer from Laverre City, Kalos. Kale is an aspiring Pokemon Coordinator who wanted mentorship from Ryanne, but ended up taking over Ryanne's Secret Base for her. She suffers from a habit of Breast Envy, to Ryanne's annoyance.

• Gladion - Son of Lusamine, and older brother to Lillie. Gladion took over as the Aether Foundation's President after their mother's downfall. A powerful trainer in his own right, it's a surprise Gladion never sought a position in Alola's Pokemon League.

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