WTF is happening

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This is my first wattpad story so sorry if it is kind of sucky. But please don't hate on my story if it sucks and you hate it so much then don't read it. Just please no hate. Enjoy reading!!!
Picture of Serena above-------
Serena POV

"Serena!!!" Eve yelled from the kitchen. "Serena, if you don't get your ass down here I will come up there and slit your throat!!!" Eve yelled again. I came rushing down the stairs in a oversized t-shirt and leggings. Don't judge me it's like two in the fucking morning. I was sleeping peacefully until my dear sisters screams woke me up. Well part of that's a lie I wasn't sleeping peacefully I keep having these creepy dreams that an old lady kills me with a butter knife.

When I entered the kitchen barely awake I saw Eve and if you haven't connected the dots yet she is my sister. My 24 year old sister and next to her is her fiancé Andy well I wouldn't say next to her she was practically on top of him sticking her tongue down his throat and he seems to be enjoying himself as well.

"Don't swallow each other." came my groggy voice.
They jumped from each other like they were electrocuted at the sound of my voice. A smirk appeared on my face when I saw them both turn as red as a tomato.

"What do you want you woke me from my beauty sleep." I sighed.

"Oh sweetie, nothing can fix that." Eve cooed. I swear I'm so close to strangling her.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" I practically screamed I'm just glad my parents were out for the night.

"Ladies ladies calm down know need to scream." Andy said cutting into our conversation.

Andy who has been Eve's boyfriend of two years and just got the balls to ask my sister to marry him which she said yes to obviously. He's 26, has sandy blonde hair and emerald green eyes. In other words he's fucking gorgeous.

"Yes well I just need to borrow some of your clothes for this movie audition I'm doing." She says sweetly.

"What's wrong with your clothes?" I ask.

"Nothing, I just don't want to look like I care if I actually get the part which I do care like a lot but I don't want to seem desperate so I need to wear your clothes so I don't look like I care which I do." Eve smiles.

"The fuck..." I say probably looking confused.

"That's some weird ass logic." Andy says.

"What's the part?" I ask not really caring about what she just said.

"She won't tell she says she doesn't want to get peoples hopes up and not get the part." Andy says frustratedly.

"Fine but you owe me." I say with a smile.

"Fine." Eve says with a smile.

"Now go to bed you have school tomorrow and I have some business to attend to." Eve says with a smile and looks up at Andy. I don't want to know what there gonna be doing.

"Okay night!!!" I say running off to my room.


BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!! I slammed my hand on the snooze button but it wouldn't shut up so I did the next best thing by throwing it across the room.

Bang! went the clock in the corner of the room shattered into little pieces. Oh well I never liked that clock anyways it always wakes me up for pris- I mean school.

"What was that bang noise?!" My mother screamed from the hall. When she walked in and saw the pieces of clock on my floor she gave me an annoyed look.

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