263 19 3

June 7 2011

seokjin is currently Away.

me: aight wtf
me: i've been dreaming about you
me: the other night i dreamed that laura sent me 160 hate messages
me: they were in japanese so i could still understand lol
me: but i cried for ages
me: when i woke up i had tears on my cheeks
me: then last night i had another dream.
me: i saw you somewhere
me: and i got really happy
me: you did too
me: then we hugged
me: and talked like the old times
me: i was so happy
me: it felt so real
me: then when my alarm went off
me: it faded
me: but i forgot it was a dream
me: so i went to message you
me: but it wasn't real
me: you're still gone
me: and i'm still here crying over you every night
me: hoping you'll come back
me: bye for now
me: i still love you
me: and i will continue to
me: forever and always


oo i hope you're excited for the next few chaptersssss
thank you all so much for your support !! i appreciate it soo muchh ❤️❤️

xx ParkkJiminah

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