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September 2 2011

seokjin is currently Offline.

me: i've been so alone jin
me: fuCK
me: i miss you
me: hahahah but i still talk to you everyday
me: just not as me
me: as nareun
me: which fuckin sucks
me: i can't believe you added me back
me: you didn't even suspect it was me
me: hOLy sHiT
me: you're so different
me: or am i different
me: idk but something's changed
me: you seem like you think you're top shit
me: you're not though hahahah
me: you're my top shit
me: not everyone else's
me: i'm actually still so salty
me: lyke
me: we were friends for ages
me: and then you made new friends
me: like yeah kool kool
me: but then you started to ignore me?
me: treat me as less valuable
me: message me less
me: say i love you less
me: you were less yourself..
me: i miss suckdickie :(
me: i made up a new name
me: get it
me: seok- suck
me: jin- dick
me: ok good night
me: sleep well
me: have nice dreams
me: think of your girlfriend
me: stay warm
me: and healthy
me: and happy




plot twist: the plot twist in this book isn't even as big as the one in my authors note at the end.

(PS this books gonna be so long i think it might have to be two books whoops)

(PS PS i hope you forgive me i just like slow storylines except this one won't really be slow just long)

(PS PS PS ilysm 555 reads holy shizzles. you guys are so amazing i never want to leave you)

(PS PS PS PS i only wrote that a few days ago but now we have 681 reads i loVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH KDJSHS)

ok so face yourself is beautiful. oh my god. imo don't leave me is spring day just a little less dark. and the intro and outro are art omg. let go is amazinggg djsjhsjs. i love my boys. how'd you guys like it?

xx ParkkJiminah

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