181 15 16

October 27 2012

seokjin is currently Online.

seokjin: hey uh
me: hi
seokjin: do you want to call sometime
me: sure
me: now?
seokjin: yeah, sure

seokjin is calling
answer | decline



"how was your day?"

"pretty shit hahaha."

"aw why?"

"don't worry."

"no, plea-"

"i said don't worry."

"i know but-



"how about you? how have you been?"

"i've been better."

"i have a question for you.


"why'd you do it."

"i don't know. i was annoyed you were paying less attention to me and i missed you. i don't know what i was thinking. it was so childish and i'm sorry."

"you hated me so much that you... that you made a hate account for me!?"

"i... no... yeah. no, jin i could never come to hate you. never in my wildest dreams. i was just so blinded by my fury. after all we'd been through you suddenly stopped talking to me because you made new friends."

"did you think maybe it's because you annoyed me?"

"it crossed my mind but i thought you were honest enough to tell me if i was."

"no, because i didn't want to hurt you."

"oh. it wasn't just me though."

"i know. but most of it was you."

"no. nayun is lying to you. she offered the account and she sent you messages too. she claimed 75% was me but that's a fucking lie. we both did equal amounts, she just gets away with it because she's more loveable."


"so why the fuck are you still friends with her?"

"i didn't want to be. but she kept messaging me so we're friends now."

"you were friends after three months. i've waited almost two years."

"Y/N please stop crying."

"i can't."

"you kept acting innocent like you did nothing. at least she admitted to it."

"i was so dumb."

"even your friends told me."



"fucking bitch. i trusted her."

"and i trusted you but look what you did."

"seokjin i'm sorry. i'm so sorry."

"stop crying. please."

"why are you crying now?"

"because you are."

"we can't both be crying."

"but i'm in so much pain. i can't."

"i miss you."

"i don't miss you. you hurt me too much."

"and you hurt me but here i am."

"you're too clingy, Y/N."

"jin i could hear you smile when you said that. don't smile. please. i miss it too much."

"you're so confusing."

"i'm sorry. please forgive me."

"i can't."



"i love you."

seokjin ended the call

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