How you met (2)

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This is the second part of how Eddie and Hannah met! Hope you like it :) (btw how old do you guys think Eddie is in this picture? Since he always looks about ten years younger than his actual age, it wouldn't surprise me if he was 26 years old here!)

You had not seen Eddie since that night, a couple of months ago. So you were quite nervous, seeing him again on the catwalk. First, the Eton boys would model their creations, after that it would be the girls's turn to show their dresses.

As you were both in strict schools, no girls were allowed in the changing rooms untill the boys had finished their catwalk. You were standing in the foyer of you school with your girlfriends. The boys arrived, but they were quickly led to the changing rooms. You only saw a glimpse of Eddie, talking to James as he carried a bag on his shoulders. Emily couldn't help herself and silently disappeared to give James a secret kiss good luck.
The headmistress directed you to your seats a couple of minutes later. You were actually quite excited to see the boys's creations.

The music started: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). At that moment, you knew you girls were in for a crazy ride.

James came first, wearing a long trenchcoat, big boots and his hair combed back with what must have been about a liter of hair gel. He walked to the front taking big sturdy steps, causing Emily to squeal and you to yell 'OoooOooooOooo'. The others started to clap as he disappeared.

After a couple of other guys, it was Eddie's turn. You saw that he tried to act cool, but you knew he didn't feel comfortable with al these eyes on him. Before he got on, he flicked his nose with his hand. Then suddenly, it was like he was another person. He kept a good pace and he had a straight face. He wore a turqoise jogging, the collar on his shoulders facing upward. His hair was waivy and partially covered his forehead. You sat in front of the catwalk and it was as if his eyes were lasers, burning your eyes with an intensity you had never seen before. He kept this serious face untill he approached the end of the catwalk. Standing in front of you for a moment, he WINKED at you! The corners of his mouth couldn't totally hide a laugh as he turned around and returned to the beginning of the catwalk. Emily yelled after him 'Go Eddieee!' and tried to wink at you as Eddie had done. You got all red and punched her in the stomach with your elbow to make her stop making fun of you.

After a break, the boys started to take up the chairs and you girls were led effeciently into the changing rooms

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After a break, the boys started to take up the chairs and you girls were led effeciently into the changing rooms. It was then that you really became nervous and stressy. Emily noticed this, put you in a chair and started doing your hair.

'It'll be alright, Hannah,' she said, 'you have the prettiest dress.'
It was true that you liked your dress very much. It was dark blue, straight and had black details on the neck, that brought the attention to your schoulders. You had matching black pumps to underneath.

Emily put your long dark blonde hair in a nonchalant ponytail while you put on mascara, blush and a subtle lip stick and all too soon music started and the first girls walked out on the catwalk

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Emily put your long dark blonde hair in a nonchalant ponytail while you put on mascara, blush and a subtle lip stick and all too soon music started and the first girls walked out on the catwalk.

You slowly breathed in and out before you got on stage. You kept looking straight forward, above the heads of the boys, concentrating on walking in your heels.

As you turned around at the end of the catwalk, you saw a turqouise sweater and caught a glimpse of Eddie's face, all light up and clapping for you. On the way back to the changing rooms it was as if you were walking on clouds. The butterflies in your stomach that had been calm after the party in the woods were awake now and they were flying around like crazy.

After the fashion show, the schools had organised a reception/party. Eddie came up to you, smiling.
'Hi Hannah,' he said, 'you were amazing!'
You blushed and responded: 'No no, YOU were amazing! Really, you were so cool.'

'Hey, Eddie!' Emily shouted from the other side of the room. Eddie and you turned around to see Emily wink at him.
'Oh yeah, that... Maybe that was a little too much,' he laughed.
'I'm sure a lot of girls liked it,' you joked. He looked at his feet for a moment and said: 'did you like it?' He slowly looked up at you with the cutest face.
'I did,' you smiled. You hesitated for a moment, but then you winked at him, a blush covering your cheeks. Eddie's ears got red as well. He ruffled with his hand through his hair as if this would make his ears a normal colour again. 'God, it is hot here, would you like to go outside for a while?' He asked you. How could you say no?

It was a warm evening in May. Eddie took your hand and led you through the impressive garden of the school. You could faintly hear the music. A slow. Eddie turned around to face you. 'Would you like to dance with me?' He asked bravely. He smiled a little. All you could do was nod, and before you knew it he had one hand lightly around your waist and the other, the one that was still your hand, up in the air.

Going to school at Eton, ofcourse he knew how to dance. Slowly turning around, you found the courage to put your free hand around his neck and you put your cheeck against his. You felt his smile by the movement of his cheek and he put his arm tighter around you. You danced slowly for a couple of minutes, enjoying the music, the smell of the flowers and each other.

'Hannah,' Eddie said. (You liked the way he said your name.) He put his head back to look at you again. Gosh, he had so much freckles, it was adorable. His green-blue-hazel eyes looked at you with such intensity that you had to look away, but Eddie put his thumb under your chin and softly pushed your head up so that your eyes met again. He bit his lip, looked at your lips for a second and then, after he had put his hand behind your ear, he slowly pressed his lips against yours in what must've been the softest, most tender kiss ever. By this time, it was as if the butterflies were flying out of your ears. Way too soon, he pulled back.

He looked at you with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks. He was sooo handsome, and now that you had gotten a taste of him, you were hungry for more. You got even closer to him and crashed your lips against his. He responded by wrapping his arms so tight around you that he lift you up a little. He kissed you like his life depended on it. You bit his bottom lip and opened your mouth to let his tongue enter.

When you finally pulled away, you were both a little out of breath. Eddie caressed your cheek and put his forhead against yours, with a big smile on his face.
'Hannah, my Hannah,' he said softly. You put your head in the crook of his neck and let him stroke your back.
'I like the sound of that,' you smiled.

After that, you stood there dancing for a long, long time.

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