Cosy cosy cosy

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"Darling, I'm home!" I heard Eddie yell as he got through the front door. It was late, about 10pm, and I was already dozing off to sleep while watching a romcom. He walked into the living room and grinned as he saw me laying under a fuzzy blanket with my pyjamas. He bent over to give me a quick kiss, and as always I pulled him on top of me to get more kisses. He leaned in with his arms on both sides of me and pressed his lips against mine again. He still had his coat on. I put my hands on his cheeks, they were cold. 

Eddie got up and started to take off his coat and scarf while he said: "I'm sorry love, James (Marsh) really wanted to finish this scene with the fireworks." He was filming the Theory of Everything. "God, I'm starving!" He cried out. "I haven't eaten since 2pm this afternoon." 

I pointed to the kitchen. "There's some pasta leftover in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave baby," I laughed. He cast me a grateful look before heading into the kitchen of our little apartment. While he waited by the microwave, he asked me: "How was your day by the way?"

"It was actually quite interesting, but exhausting as well. There are a lot of people who are sick nowadays - or they pretend to be sick so they don't have to go to work". I'm a house doctor. 

Eddie laughed. "Maybe I better pretend to be sick for a couple of days, because if James keeps beating us off like he's doing right now, I don't think I'll be making it untill spring."

"Aww, Teddy, is it that unbearable? Don't you have a little break coming up?" I furrowed my brows. With his hot plate in his hands, Eddie positioned himself next to me on the sofa. Slurping his spaghetti, he said: "It's not that I don't like it, It's actually so much fun to be working on this formidable movie, it's just that after 12 hours of acting my brain goes into some sort of shock mode and I mix up all the different physical stages of Stephen's life... and I want this movie to be perfect." He sighed. "But you're right, next week I have 4 days off and I'm planning on doing nothing! What are you watching actually?" He said with his mouth full, pointing at the tv with his fork. 

"10 things I hate about you," I said with a guilty smile, "Look! Now's the good part: he's going to sing to her for the whole school!" I wiggled my toes to the song. I love you baby, and if it's quite alright, I need you baby..... "Oh how I miss Heath Ledger," I sighed. 

"Come here, love," Eddie sushed. He put his now empty plate on the coffee table and scooted closer to me. I lifted up my blanket to share with him en laid my head on his chest. He stroked my hair with his hand. There was no better feeling than this. I felt my eyes close almost immediately and I murmured: "You can change the channel if you want, I'm half asleep anyway."

"Thank god," he laughed and I heard him zapping untill he had found the channel that he liked: SportsOne. The sound of the commentators and the crowd was already faint in my ears: that weird sensation when you're in between sleeping and being awake. 

Eddie talked some more about his day, but I was just too far gone to really process what he was saying. After a while of me not responding, Eddie sighed and planted a kiss on my forehead. "You know, I really must urge James to let me off sooner," he joked, "otherwise we'll have about one hour a day where we're both awake and functional." 

I just let out a long "Mmmmm," to agree with him and put my arm around his waist, clinging onto him even more. He laughed and knew it was impossible to resurrect me, so he just hugged me tight and finished watching the game, occasionally pressing his lips against my forehead.

At about 12pm, he too was ready for bed. The only thing I noticed was that at one point in my dream it felt as if I was flying, which was Eddie carrying me to bed bridal style. I woke up for a split second because I didn't felt Eddie's warmth anymore. I saw that I was now laying in our bed, and there was a light coming from the bathroom. Probably brushing his teeth, I thought. Still, I couldn't get back to sleep fully untill Eddie had joined me under the covers. He pulled me by my waist so we were spooning, lift his upper body with his arm to bend over me, and gave me a sweet kiss on my cheek. Then he laid back down and put his nose in his favorite spot, between my shoulders and neck.

"I love you, Y/NN," he whispered. I intertwined my fingers with his and with the sound of his calm breathing, I finally dozed off to sleep.

Eddie Redmayne: Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now