Worst supporting actor

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"What the fuck! What the actual fuck!" I yelled. Eddie grinned. I turned around, slammed the paper ('Razzie award for worst supporting actor goes to Eddie Redmayne') against the kitchen island and pointed a finger at him. "You can laugh about this?"

"Honey, I already knew this role was nothing for me when I took it. It's really no big deal." Eddie said calmly.

"But you got worst actor, not just bad actor, worst actor!"

"Worst supporting actor, love," he corrected me. I sighed. "How can you stay so indifferent about this?"

He laughed. "Because people whose opinions I value most always defend me." He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ofcourse I defend you," I said calmer now, "I'll always defend you." He smiled and planted a kiss on my lips.

"But you worked so hard for this!" I complained on a whim, "Especially on your six-pack!" Now Eddie couldn't contain his laugh anymore. Gosh, he was so cute when he laughed! I couldn't help but laugh with him. "And they didn't even bother to put it in the film!"

"Is that really an awful thing for you?" He grinned. I looked up at him. "Actually, no, because now it's still for my eyes only, haha," I said, "speaking of... I have to make most of the time I have left with this athletic body of yours," I said teasingly. I knew for a fact that since the last day of shooting that movie Eddie had avoided the gym like it was a rotten banana.

Eddie's eyes opened in surprise. "You better watch out," he said sternly, "because in case you have forgotten, I know your weak spots." So quick I didn't saw it coming, his hands travelled from my back to the sides of my stomach, where I was very sensitive to tickles. I sqealed and wurmed myself out of his grip. With him directly behind me, I ran to the bedroom and threw a cushion at him.

"Ooh, you're going to pay for that!" He yelled. I had climbed on the bed, and he pulled me by my ankles to make me fall on my back. He mounted himself on top of me and put my hands above my head with one arm, with the other he caressed my cheek. His thumb stroked my lower lip softly. I laughed and looked up at him; he had an intense look in his eyes.

"I love you so much, Y/N," Eddie whispered. 

Aaaaand I don't know how to end this one properly hahah... Hope you liked it!!

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