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I don't know what's worst, starring at the bedroom ceiling with all these emotions filled inside, or starring at the empty darkness with no feelings inside what so ever. Which ever is worst, I don't care to know because right now. All seem to hurt.

I feel like I shouldn't pity myself, I was the foolish one who put myself in this situation.

Emily is my buddy, tomorrow I need to get checked if I have any STDs or anything, I'm suppose to work as soon as I get back and if I'm bought, I have to move out with the owner. My life is now planned out for me, not in a way I would like but it's all planned and each day I will reply the same routine unless I'm bought or I run away. The possibility is endless... Lost in my messed up mind, I heard the door of our room started to clink like someone's trying to get in. Sitting up fast, I turn to Emily who is sound asleep. Grabbing the nearest thing next to me, a god damn water bottle, I waited for the intruder.

After a good half a second of still trying to get in, I'm starting to question if maybe I should help him. I assume it's a guy that would brake in not a girl, but if I help him, he could possibly do me the biggest favor of all and kill me. End my pathetic life. But another part is the coward, the another has hope that maybe everything might turn out okay. And that part aways is the part that messes everything up.

As the door finally unlocked, my gripped the bottle tighter, poking his head in, he slowly started to walk towards Emily's bed; tip toeing. I can definitely see that it is a males silhouette, too muscular for me to take out.

"Em?" He whispered as if scared to wake me up, but this voice is not from a stranger; I recognize this morbid,deep voice. "Emily?" He repeated.

"She's asleep." I answered, still trying to guess his name. I know what he looks like, just not the name of the curly, green eyes boy.

"What the fuck!" He jumped, "why didn't you tell me you weren't sleeping! Fucking hell you scared me!" His voice was loud but Emily didn't even move a muscle.

"You scared me, I thought your a robber or something." Setting the water bottle down.

"First of all, this place is locked up with high ranked guards and second of all, doll face; a half drunken water bottle is not going to do any harm. Sweetheart."walking towards my bed, I thought Zayn was harsh with the nicknames. I was scared of him, something about him makes me nervous but I won't allow it to show. Because I sense that if I show my weakness or how scared I am of him, he would be amused by it.

"First of all, I grabbed the closest thing next to me and second of all, didn't Zayn mention something about you having to go home because this isn't shift or whatever?" I squeaky whisper, it was meant to be a great comeback with confidence but I've failed once again.

"Back talking is my worst peeve, doll face. You're lucky I'm in no mood to do anything to you or that mouth of yours will learn a fucking lesson. "he spits inches from my face, my chin was held by his hand forcing me to stare at him."also, I don't give a fuck what Zayn says, want to tell him tomorrow? Go ahead doll face." He cooed.

Avoiding his burning stare, I look down, but with my head being positioned to stare at that intimidating face of his, the "downest" thing I could stare at was his lips. It was actually a really pretty hint of pink and but dried, but the lips turn into a smirk.

"Maybe your mouth will learn a lesson tonight, I came here for Emily but, you would do..." Without a another second, his lips smashed into mine, literately, he smash his lips roughly on mine. He pulled back, still a hand gripping on my should while the other is on my chin, he licked his lip, adding moister to the dry skin.

"What are you do-" I couldn't even finish, I couldn't even start to raise my hand and push him away because his lips where back against mine. This time softer. "Stop," I hissed pulling back, but his grips just tighten.

"Lesson learned doll face?" He smirked, I look down again, down into my empty heart. Annoyed how helpless and weak I am, I wish I could push him away and actually do something about it. "Answer me." He demanded

"Yea.." I whisper quickly with that, he has won and I have lost my dignity.

"Good, how if you keep that smart mouth of ours, there'll be more lessons." Walking away towards the door, just was he was about to shut it, "night doll face and see you tomorrow. And this doesn't need to reach Emily." With that he left.

When he left, he also left something behind, the feeling of disappointment and failure. The feeling he left behind was eating me up as I lay there back in bed. So which ever is worst, feeling empty or feeling all the emotions inside; it doesn't matter at all. Because it all just adds up to pain.


This story won't have a update pattern, because I'm on summer break and I'll write when ever. I'm glad to see people actually commenting, I've written a couple of fanfics before and no one comments so I just delete them all. I'm excited about this one but hope you like it and I'll try to update ASAP. Please comment. And I'm not too obsessed with the veto thing, if you like it you can, if you don't, don't veto. Do as you please but just maybe comment. And I need help naming her, I haven't figured out a name for her that will sound good when we ship her and Harry. So comment. Also most of the time I write, it's unedited so pleas excuse my poorly written grammar and spelling.

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