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Sleep was non existent that night, because my mind was occupied with thoughts. Thinking about endless of possibility that could have happen to me but sure there where many possibility, but there was also reality. My reality happens to be me lying in this shitty bed. Thinking kills. But that's what I did.

"Are you going to get up?" Emily's tone was full of annoyance, my alarm has rung 3 times, each time it does, I slam the snooze. It's not that I'm sleepy, it's the fact that today is when I'm made into a doll. "What's your name anyways?" Her voice was those voice that is preppy and high. A good sex voice but very annoying when it's the first thing you hear in the morning.

"Zara.." I whispered, for some reason, I wanted to keep my name a secret. I wanted to be a thing where only I know and the rest will want. Because everything else is gone.

"Get ready, there's clothes in the closet. Pick whatever." She said pointing to the big wooden box, set far behind the small room. But I laid there, not moving any muscle; a road kill I was. "Look I get that you're not too happy with this whole thing, but trust me, the sooner you learn to live with it, the sooner you'll come to realize that it'll make your life easier. Because either way, they always win." With that, she left.

"Live with it" I thought, those words echoed in my head. What's there to live with? Nothing.

"Need me to dress you?" A voice appeared, no need to turn my head, the one and only deep, morbid voice belonged to the person who kissed me last night. Not once but twice. I could hear him making his way behind me, I'm starting to tense but fighting my curiosity to glance back. "Answer me."He cooed, lips touching my ear.

"No." I scooted away, locking my eyes with him. I felt small.

"Than what's taking so long?" He rises an eyebrow, gliding his tongue across his bottom lip.

"Can you get out?" I asked, looking at him than the door.

"Sure, but I'll wait right behind that door." He winked, leaving me with some privacy.

Signing, I looked through the closet, which was filled with dresses that where pretty, yes, but absolutely too short or tight for my body. The longest I could find, after decades of rummaging thought, I came to a dark blue dress. It actually covered my butt unlike the rest, it wasn't like I hade a massive butt, no my body was probably like a 6 year old boy.

"Are you trying to design your own fucking dress? Because I'm sure all you have to do is put one on, what the hell is taking so long?" Harry yelled through the door, I'm surprise he didn't just barge in.

"Yes, I'm done." I opened the door for him, scanning me head to toe, he eyebrows knotted together.

"You're hair?" He asked, pointing to it like it was an alien. Rolling my eyes, I tug down my elastic and redo my crappy pony tail.

"Better?" I snap back, walking out the door. I haven't brushed my teeth or put any deodorant on, but it didn't matter.

"Okay, um... "He stop to think about what to say next, "just follow me."Pushing past me roughly.

Following behind, passing doors that I have no knowledge of knowing what's behind them, Harry has lead me into a white doctor office looking type of room. There was a girl sitting behind a small office desk with a computer behind her, raising an eyebrow at Harry."new?"she asked, Harry nodded and turn to look at me.

"Check for all the diseases you have." He briefly explain, having no energy to even fight back, I took a seat on the plastic car; with Harry doing the same next to me. "What's your name?" He asked, looking almost interested.

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