the girl who appeared in my bed

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The day finally is over. As I pack all my notes and books, I saw a letter on one of my books hanging out. It was blue.

“ Charlie I wont be able to hang out with you as much as I want to because this really hot guy asked me out. I'll see when I can okay?”

-from Tori-

I stood there day dreaming and finally snapped out when the second bell rang. What's wrong with me? Why can't I move? My whole body is like a froze statue! But that's when I realised something was going to happen to her. While walking home, I wondered how she managed to sneak that letter into one of my books before I got into my class. Even though I was right on time. That got me puzzled. Turning a corner, I saw her with I'm guessing her new boyfriend. Wow, why does he wear his pants so low half of his ass is showing? Just looking at him pisses me off so I just took the long way home. But before I crossed the street, small fingers tapped on my shoulder. Rotating into 180 degrees, she was right in front of me.

“ Charlie why are you going that way?” she questioned me.

“ I just wanted to..” my head went blank. What's an excuse to get away from her?

“ You just wanted to what?” she asked again.

“nothing don't worry, look I'm running late I got to go” waving goodbye to her, I crossed the road not looking side to side. But still made it. Fuck. I feel like the biggest idiot trying to run away from my own best friend. Still, there was no way I'm going to hang out with that douche. I don't even want to know what his name is. Unlocking my room, there was food everywhere. What on earth happened here as I try not to step into any food and close the door behind me. (slaps face -.- ) I forgot about the catttt- girl on my bed o_O??

“hi?” as I try to find my voice.

“meow” she or he or it replied back.

There was a tail fluffing around the blankets and I saw white kitty ears. Who the..i passed out.

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