Best friends don't last always.

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Beep beep beep.

As I reach for the clock who was annoying the hell outta me, a soft and furry thing slide under my covers making its way up to my bare skin. I panicked but not enough to move. What on earth is that!? I asked myself. Though I was scared, the thing felt warm. And some how I wasn't afraid of it any more. I heard a meow. I’m guessing is was some sort of animal that meows a lot and curls into peoples bed each day. I didn’t dare to look under my blanket. The chance it might come and bite my face off or fart on my face wasn’t the chance I was going to take. But I couldn't help but to have a tiny peek of what it might be. Its furr was white it had a long tail. Staring at the retarded clock what show what appeared to be..8:00am. Holy crackers! It was that late!? I got to get ready, have a shower, put deodorant on, have breakfast, brush teeth, put clothes on of course, and shoes but socks first. I had a heap of things I needed to do and I only have 15 minutes before the train leaves and I'm dead set to be the meal coarse of tonight’s meal. I got to hurry up but what the fuck is this thing doing in my bed!? Without thinking, I slide across my bed trying not to make any sounds or movements that might wake up what ever that thing doing in my bed. I'll sort it out when I come back home for school but for now, I need to handle my task before I'm dead. As I got out of the warm shower, a heard a knock on my door. “Who could that be?” I said to myself. As I approached the door, I didn't forget to put a towel around my waist in case something goes bad. Or probably will go wrong if I didn't take the towel. It turned out, the person at my door step was my bestfriend, who's name is Tori . She had dark blonde hair and curls that gets boys attention, her eyes were lime green and would sparkles facing the sun and her smile could make anybody's day including mine. She tried very hard avoiding what was down there but I could tell, she couldn't help it.

“um..was this a bad time to come?” she said nervously.

“ nahh, come in, I was just getting ready for school.” I replied.

I closed the door behind her as she stepped into my room.

“sorry if its a but messy, I woke up late.”

“ it's okay, my place is worse.” as she says with a smile on her face.

Few minute past by as she makes my breakfast, it was actually a surprise, I never knew she could cook. As she placed was somewhat is suppose to be beacon and eggs, I was really puzzled. All I saw was black bacon and eggs.. as I stab the fork into the egg, the yellow insides has been burnt. But I dare not to tell her. Instead, I ate everything in my plate.

“i never knew there was a better way to killl the flavour in the beacon and eggs.”

“ then why did you eat it?” she asked with anger and suspension.

“because it was the first time you've cooked for me.” as I smile.

There was a red blush coming from her soft cheeks. I knew I was embarrassing her in front of me. As I looked into the clock, she hit me softly on the chest while facing down. Giving her a hug because I knew she didn't like it when I’m being a meanie to her. I caught a glace at the clock, I had 8 minutes left till the train arrives and go without me.

“I need to hurry and put my clothes on, you can go if you want, I don't what u you to be late because of me” I said passing my bedroom. I pulled on my school uniform, do my tie rushy and pulled my bag on my shoulder. Walking towards her, I hear my bag make money noise as I walked. Then I remembered I didn't spend that 50 dollars on a cap yesterday, so I'm going to use it for today's lunch as I grab tori's hand. It was soft and warm, incredibly sexy. But I didn't say a word because she'd hit me harder. Locking the door, I made a quick look to see everything was closed. I don't want anything stolen.

We ran to the train, and as we catch out breath, the train arrives just in time.

“good timing” as I glace at her. But she was listening to her favourite song “ Look after you ” by The fray. So I waited till we go to school. As we got off the train, we walked threw the street till we could see the schools roof. She started running because a friend of hers was waiting on the gates for her, as she goes, she gives me a quick hug and said bye. Watching her run makes me stop for a second. I don't know why..

the bell rings and that got me out of day dreaming, what is going to happen if I told her something she'd never expect?

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