Working with Norman Bates

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I slammed my locker shut, exasperated. This next class, Language Arts, is kicking my ass. The teacher is nice, that's not the problem; it's just I'm not good at it.

Huffing, I trudged to Miss Watson's room. Flinging myself in my seat, my eye caught on a kid I've never seen before: which is rare, here in White Pine Bay. The boy was kinda cute: floppy brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He wore a striped sweater and khaki pants. I wondered what his name was, but I knew I would find out soon enough, so I didn't ask.

As Watson lectured, I caught myself staring at the new kid. Man, those dimples- no! Stop it, Kate. You legit just saw him not half an hour ago. You do not like him. Hear me, self?! Ok fine. I do like him just a little bit.

"And this next project is going to be done in partners. You will write a poem together on any topic. Have it ready to read to the class on Wednesday," Watson interrupts my thoughts. Oh great, I have to work with someone. Just great. Introverts like me don't like group projects.

The new kid just sits there awkwardly as other kids go around the room, forming groups. I hesitate for a minute before deciding to ask him if he'll work with me. I get up and trudge over there by him.

"Hey. I'm Kate, and I was wondering if you would want to work with me?" I ask as calmly as I can, because his baby blues are just consuming me.

"Uh, sure. I'm Norman," he responds. "I'm new here."

"Yeah, I know. Never seen you around here before," I respond, then realize that sounded a little mean. "I'm sorry, that was kind of rude. Sorry."

He chuckles nervously and says "No, it's fine. Really. Uh, when do you wanna get together to work on this?"

I stammer to try and think of a time. "Um- uh, how about Saturday? At uh your place if that's ok, mine is kinda messy..."

"Uh yeah that's fine. How about around 11 or so?"

"Great. Uh where do you live?"

"At the old motel."

Old motel- must be the Seafairer Inn that the bank took from that creep, Keith Summers. "I know where it is. See you then?"

"Ok, sure," he responds, then the bell rings.

Ok peeps! This is part one, part two coming soon! Leave a vote and a comment if you liked it!!! byyyyeee

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