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Hey, anyone have any requests? I'm going to be taking at least 5 or 6 of the best ideas.

Also, I am sorry this hasn't been updated.  The previous owner of this account has left and it's now my duty to make this book better!

So please leave your requests down in the comments and I'll pick the 'winners'.

What info I need:
~Which of Freddie's characters you'll be with
~Info on what you want it to be about
~Smut or no smut (that's sex 😂)
~Setting, like time in place
~If you want your name in there or just Y/N
~If you picked a name, then tell me what you look like in the best detail please
~Any other info that I might have missed just add it or I'll ask for more 😃

Also guys, don't worry, I'll be making more chapters added onto these winners.

Thank you so much for waiting and hopefully requests are left! ❤😘

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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