Chapter 18

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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up because my phone was going off and i feel better and i did not have a nightmare and i didn't have to sleep on the grass but in a bed what's really comfortable i got out of bed and made my way slowly to the kitchen were my bag was and my Phone is after i got my phone out the bag i sure i had a text from Lauren she most have seen my letter over worse she wouldn't have text me i opened the text and read it so i decided to text her back,

Text to Lauren,

Hey Lauren i just woke up and i just wanted to let you know that i am safe and i am doing ok and i have not eaten yet so don't come looking for me i need this time to think and some other things as well and thank you for sorting school out for me and i will see you on Friday.

I read what i put and i sent it to Lauren then i rang the Receptionist so i can order some food i want pineapple pizza i love pizza after i ordered my food i went to put my pyjamas on then i put the TV on and csi Miami was on while i was watching TV they were a knock on the door what scared me and i realised that it must be my foot i got up slowly but they just kept knocking,

I" said wait a minute please i am coming."

i made my way to the door with my crushes then i opened the door,

I" said i am sorry for taking so long i can't walk really fast."

Unknown" said no i am sorry for kept on knocking and hear let me take it in for you."

I" said thank you and what's your name."

unknown" said my name is Alex."

I" said it's nice to meet you Alex and my name is Lexi."

Alex" said it's nice to meet you to Lexi and how long are you staying hear for."

I" said i am staying hear for 4 days."

Alex" said cool hear's my number in case you get board or lonely and need some one to talk to."

I" said thank you and hear's my number too so you know who is texting you."

with that Alex left and he was so nice and lovely and so caring and i can't wait to see him again i took my food and slowly put it on the bed and slowly sat on the bed and put my phone next to me and i took my food and eat it while.s watching TV after i finished tea and i got comfortable then finishing watching CSI Miami i love this program since's i can remember while i was watching my phone went off and it was Alex,

Text from Alex,

Hey Lexi it's Alex sorry about earlier and i hope you ok and i have never seen you hear before.

To Alex,

It's ok you don't have to say sorry it was my fault for not answering straight away and the reason you have not seen me hear before is because i need to get away from my guardian and i don't want to tell you to much because i don't want to scare you away and freak you out as well.

after i sent that i just hope i have not scared him away at all because it's the first time i have ever talk to a boy i went back to watching TV just then my phone went off again and it was Alex,

Text From Alex,

Hey you won't scare me away or you won't freak me out because i will let you tell me in your own time after we get to know each other better.

Text To Alex,

Thank you for understanding me that mean's a lot to me and i know we have just meet when do you have a day off and you can come to my room and have coffee with me.

After i sent Alex the text i kept my phone in my hand to wait for Alex to text me back i just hope he say's yes.

Text from Alex

your welcome and i got a day off tomorrow i will bring you your coffee and its on the house and what time do you want me to come.

Text to Alex,

you don't have to buy me my coffee and come too my room around 1.00 pm in the after noon and night.

Text from Alex,

I want to and i will see you at 1 pm and night.

After Alex text me i could not stop smiling i turned the TV off and i can't wait for tomorrow then i went to sleep but i did not stay a sleep for long because i had another nightmare so i slowly got out the bed with my blanket and went and sat on the balcony and layed down looking at the star's and it was nice and quit i don't care if its late or what time it was at all,

I tried going back too sleep but i couldn't at all because i already miss home and when ever Demi or Lauren wake's me up making me feel better about my self i know i am doing all this for my own good and to keep them all safe and sound i started falling a sleep and it always win's every time.

After about 4 hour's sleep i woke up with my phone going off and some one knocking on the door,

I" said it's open you can come in."

I slowly got up and i started hopping back into my room to get my phone then i saw Alex standing there,

Alex" said good after noon i have been ringing your phone for ages and knocking for age's as well."

I" said i am sorry my phone was on the bed and i was a sleep on the balcony and i only got $ hour's of sleep and again i am sorry for not answering."

Alex" said hey you don't need to say sorry at all and how come you slept out on the balcony and only had 4 hours of sleep."

This is it i am going to tell him and he probably run away,

I" said because i get nightmare's when i got to sleep then i wake up dripping with sweat so i take a blanket with me and lay down under the star's and go to sleep because i don't get nightmare's when i sleep under the star's."

Alex" said aww what are your nightmare's about."

i told him everything from been in the Orphanage to Sophie and her friend's about surgery and finally about me trying to kill my self i thought he would run away by now and i also told him about my birthday as well,

I" said you are the first guy i have talk to and i thought you would have ran a way bye now after you know everything about my life."

Alex" said i would never do that to any women i have meet and even if i did not know that about you and you told me in two week's time if we were still talking i would not run away like every one else would."

I" said thank you for that and did you bring the coffee's."

Alex" said your welcome and hear your drink."

I" said thank's."

we both went and sat down on the bed and just watching crime show's for the rest of the afternoon and i started to get tired and started falling a sleep i put my head on Alex's shoulder and begin to fall a sleep.

Alex's P.O.V

I can't believe she's been through all of that she is a wonderful person to get to know and i am having a great time i know we are just watching TV she is so beautiful in so many way's i still can't believe that she thought i would run away after she told me but i am no that kind of person to do that and she has fallen to sleep on me but she keeps moving and her hand's are flying every were it most be a nightmare because she is starting to get sweaty because it's dripping down her fore head,

I don't know what to do i don't know if i should wake her up i carefully moved head on to the pillow and i got up and took the spear pillow and blanket and i walked to the balcony door's and folded the blanket in half and layed it down then went back in the bedroom and carefully picked up Lexi and went back to the balcony and i carefully layed her down so i did not wake her up after i did that i went back in the room and sat down on the bed and ordered room service's i got Lexi's favourite pizza and a can of Dr pepper and i ordered the same things,

So when she wake's up she won't have to wait for her Food i just hope she's ok.

My name is Lexi Louise and this is my story Where stories live. Discover now