chapter 15

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Lexi's P.O.V still from last page

I" said hey Doctor what's your name please."

Doctor" said its Elizabeth."

I"said your the Doctor i always see when i come hear."

Elizabeth" said yes i am so lets get you sorted and lets take you back."

I" said thank you for listening and for not running away."

Elizabeth" said your welcome any time."

with that she was pushing me back to my room it was good to finally let all that out i feel a bit better but i still feel bad for hopping away from the all the time i just have to stop doing and talk to them about it and they should get a clock on that door because if i do run away then i wouldn't run to the roof every time i up set people instead i just got for a slow walk instead,

Elizabeth" said were here now just remember what i said ok."

I" said yeah i will do and thank's again."

with that she opened the door and nobody was there and i was really tired so Elizabeth pushed me up to the bed and helped me on to it and i layed down and went to sleep after been a sleep for ever i wake up and slowly sat up and looked around the room and they were Lauren, Louise and Demi all a sleep Lauren was a sleep on the chair and Demi head was on my bed and Louise was sat on another chair a sleep,

i just sat there looking out of the window and looking at everyone they all seem happy but then you get me sat in the Hospital with the people i care about and love them like my own family then some thing clicked in my head i need to get better for these's people in this room and it only me who can do it,

Demi" said hey your away am glad you ok the Doctor told use what happened."

i" said am sorry for hopping away the reason why i did it because this nightmare was the worse one i had that why i did what i did and i am sorry for keep hurting you all and i am also sorry for what i did at school when i was on the roof and sat down and sure you looking up a froze i couldn't move i remember Louise was talking to me up there and then i blacked out."

at this point i started crying because they might not care about me any more because i keep hurting them,

Demi" said hey its ok don't cry and we all care about you a lot."

Louise" said she right we do care all of use in this room."

I" said thank and Louise you need to put a lock on that door before it happens again and don't worry i won't go up there i just go for a walk if it happens again i promise."

Louise "said i will do that when we go back to school on Monday then it will be your Birthday."

I"said good and i know but i have never celebrated it before because they wouldn't let at the Orphanage but now i got you all i want to celebrate it but i don't want anything big ok."

Lauren" said thats fine with me but i am taking you out for the after noon though if that's ok with you."

I" said that's fine with me and Louise do you still have that gift i give you for Demi."

Louise" said yes i do and its in my car still covered so no one can see including me and do want me to get it now for you."

I" said yes please."

with that Louise was gone and i had a smile on my face's because i know she will love it,

Demi" said its good to see you smile and i wounder what that gift is."

I" said you will find out in a min."

after i said that Louise was back and passed me it and i hope she love's it after Louise passed me it i passed it to Demi and she slowly opened and she started crying i just hope there happy teasers,

Demi" said sorry for crying it's just that its the most beautiful pieces of art i have ever seen i never new you could draw like that how long have you been able to draw."

I" said i am glad you love it and when i was little i always new that i wanted to be an artist one day but that has to be put on hold because my health as to come first."

Demi"said one you are healthy again you can do anything you want to and i am coming with and Lauren on your Birthday."

I" said thank you and you are right anything can happen and on would's and up would's."

after we all cuddled each other Elizabeth came in,

Elizabeth" said are you ready to go home now."

I" said yes please and thank you for earlier."

Elizabeth" said any time and i will go get your discharge papers."

with that Elizabeth left i now i know i have to turn my life around not just for my self and for the people in this room and it will only get better if i take one step at a time,

Elizabeth" said you just need to sign them and you are free to go."

after i signed the papers i got of the bed and hopped to Elizabeth and hug her and i said my good byes then went in to the wheel chair and Demi was pushing me but we made it in to a game because once we got out the room they were another wheel chair,

I" said do you want to have a race just for fun."

Demi" said yeah why not have a bit of fun for once."

Elizabeth" said you can have a race's but on one condition."

I" said what the condition."

Elizabeth" said we all have to join in the wheel chair race's."

I" said yeah that's sound's more fun then just 2 people are you down for it Demi."

Demi" said yeah am down."

Louise" said yeah am down."

Lauren" said me too."

I" said are you doing it with use Elizabeth."

Elizabeth" said yeah am also down for it and i will go look for the wheels chair's what we need."

after she left me and Demi was getting everything ready because it was empty on the floor were i was and its gonna be fun we made a start line and a finish line,

Elizabeth"said it looks amazing and i found 3 more wheel chair's."

we put our wheel chair's to the start line to get ready for the race then we was off and i was in first place for now i went around the desk's and i bump in to Demi and we both laughed and i was trying my best to get away from them all but with me been in first they all wanted to get me then i went around the rooms and i was coming up to the finish line and i sure Demi next to me so with the last bit of strength i had left in me i finished over the line first after i did that i did not look were i was going and end up crushing in to the tables and i went flying out of my wheel chair on to the floor and i started laughing and my head was spinning and i could not hear them 4 talking to me after it went i started hearing them but i just kept on laughing until i could no longer breath,

I" said please help."

i asked for help with my weak talking but i don't now if they could hear me so i text Demi,

Demi" said match my breathing in and out slowly."

after i did that i felt much better,

I" said thank you and i had a lot of fun and sorry for scaring you all then but i did not look were i was going then i started laughing."

All" said your welcome glad you had fun."

Elizabeth" said it's time for you to go home now everyone it's getting late."

everyone was tidying up then we was leaving we all said our good byes and then we left Louise went to her car and went home and me and Lauren and Demi got in Lauren's car and went straight to her house.

My name is Lexi Louise and this is my story Where stories live. Discover now