Chapter Two

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Your POV

I walked into my new cabin, the Eros cabin, to see a decent little place. To give you a (not-so) brief explanation of what the house looked like, it had hardwood floors, that were neatly swept, with an old-time-y-ish broom in the corner. The walls were a dusty blue, and there was a light in the cabin that was turned off, but fairy lights lined the walls, all turned on.

The cabin was relatively empty, other than one of the bunk beds pushed off to the side. There were sheets hanging down from the top bunk, to cover the bottom bunk, and on the top bunk was a massive collection of Greek mythology, and spell books, which seemed odd at the time, being next to a NASA hoodie, tons of stuffed animals, and pink oversized tank top, but I chose not to question it. Along the fairy lights lining that wall, there were tons of pictures, some appearing to be taken with a Polaroid, of a girl and what appeared to be her friends. Two stuck out to me, though. One had the girl, and a boy with brown hair, and dark chocolate eyes, and elvish ears, and tan skin, and the other was her with a boy with pale skin, DARK brown eyes, and black hair. The elf boy had a huge smile on his face, while the other boy had a soulless look on his face, with the slightest, barely noticeable smile on his face.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, "Ahem." I quickly turned and saw the girl I had seen before, in the NASA hoodie, "So you're Y/n L/n. The girl everyone is talking about. Listen, just because you're a child of Eros, too, doesn't mean you're on top now. Because I'm not the only one anymore, neither of us are special. Okay, L/n? Okay. Now, I'm the first kid here to be claimed by Dad so I am the head of the Eros cabin. Got all that, L/n?"

"Uh. Yeah. Who are you, again?" I asked, genuinely confused, but also annoyed at the bitter girl.

"Can't tell. It's a secret. You call me Jean(Oh look my middle name)." She mumbled the first few parts. She walked over to an empty bunk and pointed to it, "That's your bunk. Or any other one. I don't care. Feel free to decorate however you want. Again. I don't care." She walked over to her bunk and laid down, on the bottom bunk, behind the sheets. I noticed it was already nighttime, and went to my bed, as well.


Jean was holding onto my hand, and someone else's, trying not to fall off of a ship we were on. She had a tear falling down her face, as she let go of my hand, and fell to gods know where.

"It'll be okay!" She shouted, "I'll be okay..." Her voice disappeared, along with the rest of her as she fell to what I would expect to be her death.


I woke up, startled. I looked to the direction of Jean, to see her staring at me, with an eyebrow raised. I shook my head, and she shrugged. I noticed that she had glasses on, and when she noticed that I saw, she was quick to defend herself.

"I-I'm nearsighted, okay? Get over it! It's not that amazing..." she mumbled the last part.

"No! Don't be upset about it! It's kind of... well it makes you look innocent I guess... and that's not a bad thing! It just.... is... different!" I stuttered, suddenly forgetting the English language.

"Wait... you're not making fun of me?" I smiled a bit at the childish assumption.

"Of course not!" I chuckled.

"Oh..." she looked down, "Sorry 'bout that."

-time skip because this is going no where-

As we made our way to the dining pavilion, I saw the boy from earlier, that I had put a spell on, to make him make out with a log.

"Uh, hey, C. This girl your sister?" He asked, awkwardly.

Jean snapped to attention, "Oh. Yeah. She is. Why are you asking, Leo? Something up?" She responded.

"Uh. Yeah, can you make her not make me make out with a piece of wood? I have splinters all over my lips. Some of the pieces of wood are still there, and it really hurts!" He pleaded, them turning and glaring at me.

She chuckled a welcoming chuckle, and stood up slowly, shaking her head, "Only you deal with these problems, Leo Valdez. I can probably help with the splinters after breakfast." She mumbled the last part to herself. She seems to like doing that.

"Okay... Anyways!" The boy turned to me, and held out his hand, "I'm Leo Valdez! Child of Hephaestus."

I shook his hand, "Y/n L/n... daughter of... eggos?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Jean was not amused. That's an understatement. She was pissed. That's an understatement, too, "It's Eros, you idiot!" Her hair turned into fire, momentarily, before turning back into the short, blonde hair.

"Um... what just happened?" I asked. Jeez, why is everything here so confusing? Jean looked confused, before she suddenly had a look of "oh yeah that's what you mean" on her face.

"My hair lit on fire, didn't it?" I nodded when she asked.

"It's a... special ability some children of Eros have."(don't quote me on this, because idk), "Because for some reason, some idiot associated fire with love." (hi how ya doing) I found this interesting. Even if she just got mad at me, I found her impressive, and fascinating.

After breakfast, she walked back to our cabin with me, and handed me a shirt that was a size to large for me. It was her camp t-shirt.

"Why aren't you wearing it?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to." She mumbled, grabbing a black Harley Davidson hoodie that was a few sizes to large, some high waisted ripped skinny jeans, combat boots, and a black bralette for under her hoodie. Not sure how that's going to work when she gets hot, but I won't judge. She walked into a different room and got changed. She came back and made a hand motion, telling me I could go. I did, and put on a pair of medium waisted blue jeans, the t-shirt, and some some adidas. I walked out, and as soon as I sat next to her, Leo burst through the door, looking both of us up and down, seeing as Jean's hoodie was not zipped up!

"Damn, you two are hot!" He whispered. I looked over at Jean from the corner of my eye to see her blushing?

"Yeah, okay. Let's just get this over with..." she mumbled, scoffing. She got a pair of tweezers from behind her, and motioned for him to come to her.

He did. He also felt it was necessary to wrap his arms around her waist while she just wanted to get the splinters out of his lip, nothing more. Something in her clicked, and she looked away from him and me, biting her lip, slightly.

"I think you got all the splinters out." He said, grabbing her chin, to make her look at him.

"Y-ya think?" She asked, trying not to be flustered. It didn't work if you were wondering.

"Hi, how ya doin'? I exist!" I exclaimed.

Leo scoffed, "No shit. Go swim with fish Jesus or something. I have business to attend to." He smirked, looking back at Jean.

"Fish Jesus?" I asked.

"Percy Jackson." He corrected himself.


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