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Savannah's p.o.v
Home sweet Home. I fell back into Colby's bed and closed my eyes.
"Did you want to do anything?"
"I wanna do you"
"Is that so?"
"Yep. Come here"
I felt his legs press against mine at the bottom of the bed. I lifted my legs up and pulled him forward. I crashed our lips together and started to make out with him.
"Wait. Let me go lock the doors. Don't want anyone walking in now"
"Sound good. I'll be waiting right here"
As soon as he left the room, I went into the bathroom and started to run a bath. I put some bubble bath cream in there and waited for the water to reach a good level before climbing in.
"Move on forward"
"So you wanna join me? I'm afraid that can't happen"
"Why not?"
"Will you strip for me and then I'll see"
"If you insist baby"
I played some music whilst he started his stripping show.
"Woo hoo. Show those abs off sexy!"
He threw his top on the ground and started to take his sweats off.
"Let's see that sweet ass of yours. Give us a twirl!"
He turned around on the spot and flexed his muscles. I whistled at him and let him get in behind me. I rested my head against his chest and gave him a kiss.
"This is nice. Just being here with you. I never thought it would happen, but I'm glad it did"
"Aww Colby. You're the sweetest. I love you with all my heart"
"I love you too, promise me something?"
"Promise me that you'll never leave me"
"I would never leave you anyways. We grew up together. We're inseparable"
"You know I want to have a family with you"
"Really. How many kids?"
"2, one boy, one girl"
"Sounds first. But what it's two of the same sex?"
"I'd be happy with that as long as they're happy and healthy that's all I care about"
"Why haven't I seen this side of you before?"
"I guess I've never been comfortable with explaining a family with someone"
"Not even me?"
"I always thought about when we weren't together but I thought it would be weird"
"It wouldn't of been weird baby. It's not weird now"
"I know"
"I like how we're planning our future. It's cute"
"You're cute"
"I know"
I gave him another kiss and my rested back against his chest. It felt so relaxing and stress free. My dad's funeral was next Wednesday and I was nervous. I felt like something was going to go wrong.

Colby's p.o.v
"You alright babe?"
"Just thinking about what tomorrow. What if something goes wrong?"
"I promise you nothing will go wrong"
"Hope you're right Colby"
Oh Shit. She's gonna kill me tomorrow. I might've mentioned the funeral to her mum, including the time and place (only of the memorial party though). She's gonna be so mad. I can't tell her before the funeral cuz she won't go then. Hopefully her mum doesn't say it was me.

•Wednesday. 12:00pm•
Savannah's p.o.v
I stood at the gates greeting people as they arrived at the church. Colby, Brandon, Roman and Colby's dad agreed to carry my father in. So far, so good. Nothing bad has happened. A smiled was placed on my face as I greeted everyone else that came. Nikki and Brie were unable to come due to business which I totally understood. I was last to step into the church. I walked down the aisle and took my seat at the front. Dean and Renee were sat next to me. I gave them a smile and held onto Renee's hand as the music played. I saw Colby come round the corner, Brandon behind him. Roman and his dad on the other side. My dad's coffin perched upon their shoulders. Colby gave me a soft nod as I looked at him. They set my dad down on the stand and they all took their seats. Renee moved over so Colby could sit down next to me. I rested my head against his shoulder as I held his hand.

•skipping the ceremony•
I chucked my white rose onto the coffin as I said my final goodbye. I couldn't help but feel as if someone was here uninvited. I looked around and saw a female figure standing against a tree watching as everyone threw a rose onto the coffin. I couldn't recognise who she was. Did she know my dad? If so why didn't she come to the ceremony?
"Huh. Sorry"
"It's alright. You ready to go the memorial party?"
"Yeah I guess"
I grabbed his hand and walked towards his car. I sat in the passenger seat as Colby started the car.

•skip the car ride•
We arrived at the memorial party and everybody was there. Dean and Roman stood outside.
"Hey guys"
"Hey baby girl"
"Hey kiddo!"
"Dean. How's the arm?"
"Getting there. Got a check up this week"
"Ah good. Hope you come back soon. I miss you on Raw"
"I'll be back before you know if cupcake"
"You better be. I miss my Lunatic of my brother"
"I miss my little sister"
"Everyone misses me darling"
"That's true"
"I'm going to head in. You guys carry on talking"

•halfway through party•
"Hi guys. I want to say thank you to everyone who came. It really means a lot to me and I know my dad would really appreciate this"
I was about to continue but a too familiar person walked through the door. I looked at them before dropping my glass and running towards the toilets. I leaned against the counter and took deep breathes. The door to the toilets opened and soon shut and a presence stood behind me.
"Why are you here!?"
"Please daughter"
"No you don't get to call my that. You have no right too"
"Please. I just wanted to come say my peace"
"Your peace. Oh please. If you cared you wouldn't of fucked off with another man"
"Don't tell me what to do, you are not my mother. A real would stay and watch her family grow and be fucking happy! You are not a mother! You never ever will be! You ruined my life!"
I stormed out the bathroom and everyone looked at me. My mother soon walked out behind me.
"Please stop my calling my name. I don't want to talk to you. Who invited anyways!?"
""I promised not to tell"
"Who did you promise God, Casper the ghost"
"I invited her"
I turned around to the voice. Colby.
"You invited her and you knew my situation with her and you still went against my wishes. Wow what a great boyfriend you are. Both of you don't talk to me!"
I walked out of the arena and leaned against a wall. I cried so hard I lost my breath. I felt a hand rest against my shoulder. It was Roman.
"Why would be do that. He knows how much I hate her and it went against me. He's meant to be my boyfriend"
"I know babygirl. Do you want to head back home. I can make you some tea or hot chocolate?"
"The second option sounds better. Thanks Roman"
He helped me and I straightened my outfit out. We walked around the corner but was stopped by Colby.
"Don't even speak to me. You betrayed my wish Colby. How could you! I thought you were better than yet. I guess I thought wrong"

•later that night•
My phone had been blowing up non stop. I replied to everyone else but Colby. Mainly everyone was asking if I was alright and just verbally checking on me every now and then. I had turned my phone off as I sat on my window bed, watching the world go by. Dean and Renee were staying over the night and were downstairs. I heard a knock at my door and Dean soon appeared from behind.
"Hey kiddo. I brought you up some food. Renee made some soup"
"Thank you. I really appreciate you guys being here"
"We'd do anything for you"
"If only you're arm wasn't injured you could go give Colby a piece of his mind"
"I know cupcake. What he did was wrong. We've already told him to give Oh some space and time. Roman has also offered that you travel with him to the live events this weekend"
"How sweet. I'll accept Roman's offer"
Renee soon joined the both of us upstairs with a bowl of soup for her and Dean. The night ended with them falling asleep in my bed and me still sat at my window seat.

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