He gets...jealous?

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After work I went straight to grillbys. After entering I get my usual greeting and go to the back room to change but I then realised my outfit isn't were it normally is. Huh? Where could it be? Walking out I go towards the flaming bartender. 'Hey grillby did you move my uniform?' I ask
' ah! I decided to wash it last night so your gonna have to wear this' he replies pulling out the other uniform 'okay thanks grillbs' I then walk to get changed.

Grillbys POV(here comes a shocker)
I didn't really take it to wash. I just wanted to see my angel in this new outfit...what is wrong with meeee!
(Y/n) POV
Putting on the outfit I notice it's a bit short but shrug it off an go out to help grillby.
Time skip
As the night was almost up and most were drunk I began to collect the empty glasses until... ' heyyyyy girl how bout you shakeee that booty do meh' that happened I continue to collect the glasses but the man who was drunk stopped me
Grillbys POV ( it's going down)
I was cleaning my glass till I heard I slight squeak from across the bar. I look up to see a drunkard touching a girl.... wait.... that's..... (Y/N)! I felt my rage boiling and I'm sure the others felt it too as they paid and left except for the drunk and (y/n) who was pinned by the man.

(Y/n) POV ( that a lot of switching)
Just as the man was about to grab my thigh he was ripped off 'keep your hands off what doesn't belong to you'
Wait grillby?! The man was then pushed out the door. Grillby then turns to me his flames calming down 'are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?' He said coming closer to me and holding my cheek 'yeah I'm fine thank you grillby' I replied ' I'll walk you home tonight so someone like... him doesn't touch you again so go get changed' he said as he walked away wait was he... jealous?!?!

I'm so sorry for not writing I've had a little problem so I wasn't up for it and I've had exams too but thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed maybe you will confess soon... or will it be grillby to confess wait and see! 😂
* Luna *

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