Holiday time! (Part 1)

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(Y/n) PoV:
After Grillby got better I decided to carry on with cleaning... or at least what was left. Turns out he cleaned while I was ill. So instead I decided to make us something to eat. Yes Grillby slept over reader. (Are you trying to destroy my house?!?) Anyway, while making (f/f) I notice the room became brighter and felt warm strong arms wrap around my waist.
'Good morning' the flame man mumbled, resting his bed on my shoulder.
'Good morning' I replied in a singsong tone.
'What you cooking?' He asked.
'(F/f)' I responded
'Smells good'
'I know'
'Wow. Didn't know you guys were that close.' Sans said.
'SANS?!? HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!?' I screamed.
'Wow, you sound like papyrus, and simple, magic' he said with jazz hands.
I forgot he could teleport.
'Anyway, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come camping with me, paps, frisk and trash can'
'Who's trash can?' I asked.
'Mettaton' Grillby told me.
'Ohhhh, okay well I would love to go sans. What about you Grillby?'
'Yeah sure.'
'Okay then it's settled see you guys later!'
'See you later sans' I waved but before he left he yelled
'Don't forget to use protection!'
I'm gonna kill him!!!

Okay I've got this up so I can get my mind off things and because I don't want to forget my idea. I won't be updating for five days due to me going to NCS so I might update on the Saturday as the inspiration will come from the trip because we're camping! Hope you enjoyed!

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