Your...ill? Part 2

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I had just finished the living room and was feeling dizzy. Why now? I thought until all I saw was black.

Time skip your PoV
Waking up I notice two things one I'm not on the living room floor and two I'm not in what I was wearing before I collapsed instead I was in my pjs...
who changed me!
While panicking I didn't notice that someone had entered, their bright glow warming the room.

Grillbys PoV
While making (y/f) soup I began thinking about what I came into... I hope it isn't as bad as it looks...
Walking into (y/n)'s house I knocked on their door... no answer... this could be bad. Trying the door knob I realised they had left the door open, entering, I called for them until I saw them... on the floor...passed out! Lifting them up I walked upstairs looking for the bedroom. Once I found one I placed them on the bed. I can't leave them in those clothes... but wouldn't it be wrong to just change them? Well, like I said before, they can't stay in what their wearing now. Please don't hate me! I thought to myself. I looked for some pjs in their drawers, finding them, I slowly walked back over to (y/n). Pulling off their clothes I began to place the pjs on... I just couldn't help but blush. Their underwear was, well, interesting.
Flashback end
That was quite embarrassing. I better go check on them. The soup being finished, I brought it upstairs to the room (y/n) is in. Opening the door, I saw that (y/n) was in hysterics. They didn't even notice me. ITS VERY HARD TO NOT NOTICE A MAN MADE OF FIRE! Placing the soup on the bed, I moved my self behind (y/n) and wrapped my arms around their waist, cuddling them. They tensed then relaxed. Guess they realised there is nothing to be afraid of.

Your PoV
Relaxing realising it was only grillby, my panicking state began to deteriorate. Then a thought popped into my mind, in a croaky voice I asked 'did you change me?'
He tensed but said in his smooth voice 'yes. I hope you don't mind but I couldn't allow you to sleep in those clothes, they were dirty.'
'No I don't mind' I replied
He gave me the soup he made and I slowly fell asleep in his chest. Though I'm sure I herd his say 'don't scare me like that again'

Finally got this out again I'm sorry just life hates me hope you enjoyed

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