Anonymous: Abuse

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I tasted love one time.

I had known HIM for years.

I grew up beside HIM.

It began as annoyance and childish games.

HIS cruelty was taken as jest.

My emotions transformed into an unhealthy obsession and crush.

Sophomore year of high school HE looked my way.

Finally HIS grins were directed at me.

We happened fast.

Caution never occurred to me.

The tears came later.

I trapped myself in a prison filled with HIS rage.

HE whispers he loves me as HE kisses my bruises.

HE loves me. HE does.

I believe HIM.

Each word inflicts a new cut.

My body is covered by HIS pleas for forgiveness and HIS rage.

It never occurs to me to escape.

I love HIM. I chase HIM. I need HIM.

HIS ring sits so perfectly on my finger.

Every fight is my fault.

I'll learn to listen, to understand.

HIS love is toxic, by heart is filled with it.

I kiss HIM goodnight and then cry as HE falls under.

HE doesn't mean it.

Not the words.

Not the wounds.

HE loses control easily.

Quick to snap.

I'll fix HIM. I will. I promise myself nightly.

HE's taken my love, my hope, my sense of self, and my soul.

I lay next to my murderer each night kissing HIM gently and loving HIM passionately.

My body lives, but I die daily.

I tasted love one time.

Love is a lie.

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