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The next morning, I wake upon before everybody else.

I get dressed in comfortable sparring clothes and I wake the boys up.

"Come on a run with me." I tell them. They say no, but then I do the puppy eyes and they agree.

We run around the school twice and we don't even break a sweat, but on our second lap, we see the Hogwarts boys and girls staring.

"Hey, Viktor, wanna race this lap?" I ask him. The boys all smirk and we line up.

"Ready. Set. Go." I shout. We burst into a sprint, with me doing all of the jumping over things, so they don't fall nana hurt their pretty faces.

I still beat them. They groan when I do and the girls from Hogwarts all smirk.

"Hello, ladies." I smile at them. The boys smirk.

"Gentlemen." I smirk at the boys who have no chance at all.

"Let's go. Headmaster probably has our schedules ready for while we are here." I tell the boys.

They sigh and nod, following me back to the ship, where I make a vine crawl up the side.

We climb up it and then we go to our cabin and change into our normal school clothes.

We meet everybody in the training room.

"Sit and wait. Your schedule will be passed out for you." Headmaster says as he waves his wand.

Mine gets to me after everybody else.

Mariella Lestrange

Training- Dumstrang
Breakfast- Hogwarts
Potions- Hogwarts
Dance- Beauxbaton
Advanced Magic- Hogwarts
Lunch- Hogwarts
Meditation- Beauxbaton
Swordfighting- Dumstrang
Advanced Spells- Beauxbaton
Duels- Dumstrang
Dinner- Hogwarts
I go back to my room and get dressed in my Slytherin robes.

Then I follow my classmates to the room we were in yesterday.

"Miss Mariella." Dumbledore calls me up to the front before I even sit down.

"Please prepare quickly for your match." He says. I wave my wand down my body and I am instantly changed into my clothes I was just in a moment ago.

He faintly smiles.

"Let the tables be moved." He shouts.

"Let's do this outside." I suggest.

He sighs, but nods and we are instantly all outside. I see Mom and Dad by the edge of the crowd, standing next to the Malfoy's.

"Who do you want to go first?" Dumbledore asks as he sits next to Mistress and Headmaster.

"All at once." I tell him confidently.

He smirks and they appear surrounding me.

"Go." He says. They all fast spells at me and I duck, watching it hit the others. They groan.

I go after the ones still standing, in hand in hand combat, scaring them as I knock them out. Then I back flip behind the person sneaking up behind me. I stun the guy, then I knock the girl behind him, unconscious.

The people who were stunned at the beginning of the match get up and some at me. I slip them over my back and knock them unconscious.

"Stupify." A Griffindor yells. I duck the spell and yell "Maxipul!" The girl goes flying and hits a tree and falls unconscious.

One last boy gets up. We actually duel and I smile at his bravery.

"If you win, I'll kiss you." I tell him. He is stunned by what I say and his wand wavers and I take my shot and stun him, before I knock him unconscious.

The boom of cheering rocks the clearing. Headmaster and Mistress smile. Then Dumbledore waves his wand and the entire clearing is silenced.

"Good job." He speaks calmly.

"Good bye mother, father. See you at home." I smile as I watch them disappear.

"Everybody, go to your classes." Dumbledore says. I wave my wand over my clothes and my Slytherin robes appear and so do my flats.

 I wave my wand over my clothes and my Slytherin robes appear and so do my flats

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"Miss Lestrange, will you stay a moment?" Dumbledore asks. I sigh and wait as the boys leave.

"Viktor, you had better beat them for me." I tell him as he disappears from my view.

"You are required to be the best in all of your classes, don't forget." Dumbledore says.

"I won't." I tell him.

"Also, since you are the only person going to all three schools, you are required to put your name in the Goblet of Fire." He says. I still and then walk towards potions class.

"Accio Potions Book." I whisper. My potions book flies out of nowhere and I pick it up, and walk into class.

The Riddle Daughter And Her Four Mates #1Where stories live. Discover now