Chapter 4

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this chappie has been -edited-

*1 week later*

I walked into school that morning with a smile on my face and walked to my locker. My smile flipped into a frown when I saw Liam in front of it. He looked over and caught my eye. "Shit," I mumbled under my breath and began to sprint toward Luke's locker. My arm was grabbed somewhat tightly, I turned around to see Liam, his face just inches away from mine, "I'm sorry." he said out of breath "please forgive me, I just want to be friends at the very least, please." He was literally begging for forgiveness. I hid my smirk, I'll try not to be mean. "I am not the one you should be saying this to." I said with a serious tone and expression. I yanked my arm away. Let's just milk this out, I thought to myself. "I already said sorry to Harry." He whispered. I turned to face him, my face showing curiosity.

He looked at me, his eyes laced with grief.

Maybe... No, Louis. My brain was raging a war with my heart. This was the guy who was beating an innocent kid to a pulp just last week. Let alone my friend. I gulped, confused about my next action. "We remain friends, for now." I shot him a look that meant I was serious, and brushed past him to my locker. "I wonder where Harry is." I thought aloud.

*Liam's pov*

I smirked to myself, I fooled him, he didnt know that, of course. I didn't apologize, I've had the biggest crush on Louis since, well, forever. When I was in 2nd grade with him I liked him, more than a friend and I realized that, maybe not at the time, but soon enough. He was just so charming, funny, and sassy, definitely sassy. He made sense, we made sense. And when I heard him and Harry flirting in class, I couldn't stand it.

Sure, I may have over reacted, but what's mine is mine. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to show the school, and him, that Louis was mine, and I wasn't going to let him go without a fight. He's lucky I haven't beat the crap out of him again, if I did he would deserve it, though.



Oh whale, see what I did there? I'm sick so I'll probably be writing, and eating a lot of ice cream, for the next few days. I think it's cuz of this gyro I had at warped tour. You deserve a Cookie for reading this far if you have. Anyways Ronnie radke flipped me off and I cried but like good tears. And jack barakat and during All Time Low's concert there were a total of 9 bras on stage, I counted. And jack put a bright green one in his mouth and I was like, "ew." and so was 3OH!3 and they signed my shirt and yellowcard signed my cd. It was fun, but I got sick and I have a headache. Thank you for listening to my problems; you kind readers, you. You deserve a million cookies. Anyways would smut like be ok? I'm not sure about it yet cuz I haven't exactly warmed up to the idea of writing that stuff yet. Idk okay well I'll get writing now. Bah

Anywhore, what do you ships do you sail on, if ya know what I mean? *insert wink emoji* next chapter will be longer. I promise. If it isn't or it completely sucks ass I will post a video on my twitter of me slapping myself. AND I REFUSE TO EMBARRASS MYSELF PUBLICLY. Sorry for all the a/n I tend to rant anywhere bye.

i wrote that ^ two years ago, god bless - 2016 cass

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