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"So, did everything go well?" Jaris smiled from behind her desk at CJ as she exited.

"I'm not really sure." CJ felt a little off. Eyes falling to her abandoned box of stuff, she headed quickly toward it, needing to get away from everything. Not just this office, but every bad memory Oregon held for her. "I think I'm done with Portland." Unable to hide the tone of resignation in her voice.

"Damn it, what did he do now?" Jaris sprang up from her chair, frowning and cutting a look over her shoulder at the closed door.

The tone was so much like a big sister being told her baby brother was in trouble that CJ was pulled up short. "No, it's nothing bad." CJ turned, whispering, hands out, afraid he'd hear. She glanced at the door, then at the secretary who was still glaring at it. "He just asked me to dinner, that's all." Saying it aloud, it seemed such a stupid reason to be so upset.

"Oh." Jaris sank back into her chair, chuckling. "That's okay then. " She folded her hands over the curve of her belly, her smile warm. "So..." Her brows waggled teasingly. "Where are you two going?"

This woman was way too involved with her boss' private life. CJ thought. Maybe that was normal secretary/boss stuff though. Jaris was most likely the one who had to make sure his schedule worked out properly, kept him from missing meetings or working too late or too hard. When you had to run every moment of a person's life, it kind of made the whole 'big sister' thing make sense.

"Oh, nowhere. He wasn't actually serious." She wasn't sure about that now, but it was too late to change her answer. Not that she would. She was... her. He was him and they were as incompatible as peanut butter and yellow mustard.

"Honey, that man has never said a single thing he didn't mean." She looked CJ over again, muttering under her breath. "God, what I'd give for even half..." She exhaled and spoke up. "It must be hell looking like that."

She shook her head and obviously didn't notice the hurt look, or CJ's shameful blushing. "Men must be on you like white on rice. If I were in your skin, I'd never wear clothes. I'd just go around naked all the..." She chuckled, looking up and catching on that CJ was upset.

"Oh, sweetie.." She struggled out of her seat and went over to her quickly, hugging her as tightly as the massive swell of her own abdomen allowed. "Don't cry. Here. Sit." She guided her to the trio of chairs and pulled a few tissues from a nearby box. "I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm fine. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start the waterworks" She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. "I just, I thought you were ... going somewhere else when you started. It was kind of you to say all those things."

"It's true. Without this..." She laid her hands over her belly. "These are almost nonexistent. "She grabbed her breasts for a moment. "I have no ass, then or now...I'm all legs, I look like a stork..." She laughed and covered her mouth. "Oh God, storks really do bring babies. I owe my mother an apology!"

She dissolved into giggles that CJ couldn't help but join in on. When the laughter calmed, Jaris took a tissue for herself and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. "Oh, God. I needed that." She looked at CJ and shook her head gently. "Envy aside, can I give you some advice?"

Despite being one of the beautiful people, Jaris was very easy to talk to. She exuded kindness and frankly, CJ needed a friend right now, even if it was just pity on Jaris' part. "Sure."

"You need to stop giving a damn about things that don't matter. Whatever happened in the past, you gotta let it go, honey. You're obviously talented. You're smart, you're hot... don't you shake your head at me." She swatted teasingly at her with the tissue. "You are. You're damn sure his type." Tossing her head back toward the door to indicate Jameson.

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