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CJ stood before the door, still unsure she ought to ever leave the guest house again. She had to, of course. If she didn't show up for dinner, they'd come looking for her and she doubted 'my host is too hot' was a good reason to skip a meal.

When he'd left her there in the driveway, she'd been too confused to move for a few minutes, but eventually, she'd darted back to her room. She dove into the room, shut the door and twisted the latch. Her shaking fingers settled over her lips, weak knees giving up as she slid down the door with a shivery giggle to land in a heap on the floor.

The day had begun well, but in the last hour, so much had happened to leave her unnerved. First, the dream, which was far hotter than anything she'd ever imagined in her life. She had never been a woman given to passion.

She recalled the dreams of her youth, of feeling this same desperate need, of someone, somewhere whose hands and body were molding to hers and wringing out such joy, only to wake unsatisfied and bereft. Nobody in real life ever made her feel that way. Until now.

Then there he was, talking like he did, saying things that made her sure he was crazy. He truly did want her though, she was not so innocent or so stupid to keep believing otherwise. She didn't understand the why, but it was nonetheless true.

She had no doubt that if she succumbed to Jameson Holt, she would never be left anything but completely sated. He would, she was sure, be both vigorous and talented when it came to the bedroom.

Sex aside, she also was damn sure he wouldn't take just her body. She saw it in his eyes. Her thoughts, her dreams, her flaws, he would demand to know them all. She would have no secrets from him. He would own her, heart and soul.

Yesterday, she would have said that she'd never want anyone who was like that. She was her own woman, not some ditz who would give up her whole self just to please a man. As she fought to slow her tremulous breathing, it shamed her that she was considering it now.

He'd barely kissed her, hardly touched more than her shoulders and her hands, but here she sat, her knees gone to jelly like a schoolgirl with a crush. This was ridiculous. A cool shower and some time alone, and she'd be herself again. Yes. A very long, very cold shower.

She was still sitting, pondering what to do when she heard the soft sound of footsteps creeping up the stairs outside. Had he followed her? She stiffened, fearful and yet somehow excited that he had. A knock on the door made her squeak and nearly jump out of her skin. She pressed a hand to her forehead and stood up, aware of how she must look. She opened the door, expecting Jameson, but it was a much shorter person.

"Hello, Maggie." She tried to hide her mild disappointment.

"Mom's sending the boys to town for groceries. If you would like something special..." She waved the little pad and pen she held in her hand. When CJ took it, she stuck her hands into her pockets and smiled up at her. "What'd you do to Uncle Jay?"

"Uncle Jay?" It took a moment for her to realize she meant Jameson. "Oh, Mr. Holt." She jotted down her order as she tried not to show anything that would betray herself. "I don't think I did anything bad. Is he alright?"

"He came in super cranky. He's still in the shower. Dad said he's going to use up all the cold water and mom almost snorted milk out of her nose." She grinned, old enough to know, if not the details, the general idea of what was going on.

She took back the pad. "You coming back to the house for dinner tonight or do you want me to bring yours up here? Mom said you might want some privacy." She did her best to hide any sound of disappointment. She liked CJ, and it was nice to have someone new to talk to.

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