Chapter 27

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Felix's POV

A week and a half already passed but there was still no sign of neither Jiyeon nor the other five boys. They didn't come to school for a week and a half along with Jiyeon not being home. I felt lonely without her.

I ate with Hyemin and her friends for that period of time and went home with her along with going to school together, sometimes having small dates after school, but that didn't ease the longing feeling I felt for my bestfriend. I missed her dearly and I was worried to death.

It all started when I told her that me and Hyemin were dating suddenly left school without even informing me.

Today is already Friday. A week is yet to pass by again without any signs of Jiyeon, and now, me and Hyemin were staying in her room. Yes HER room.

I actually met her parents last Monday and they were surprisingly okay with the fact that their daughter is dating someone who they haven't seen before. It wasn't like what Jiyeon, and sadly,  I thought it would be like, their parents objecting the relationship we have and ending up us breaking the new relationship we had just built.

We were laying on her bed with one side of the earphone on Hyemin's right ear while the other on my left. We were watching a romantic comedy movie in which I haven't heard before until today.

My left arm were wrapped around her shoulder and both of her arms around my waist, practically snuggled her head on the crook of my neck, not that I'm complaining.

Both of us kept silent for the whole movie except for the occasional giggles we had because of, by either, my sudden kisses on her head or something funny happened in the movie.

Not finishing the movie, I glance at my right side to see Hyemin sleeping peacefully on me shoulder while both arms still around my waist. I smiled at the sight and left a small peck on head. I adjusted her position into a complete laying one and unwrapped her arms from. I stroke her head a bit more then got off the bed.

I collected my phone before going out of Hyemin's room. I padded my way down, the slightly, long staircase, trying to make less sound as possible. It may seem to be that I'm gonna ditch but no. I was just planning to call Jiyeon at the moment. Not seeing her is leaving a very uneasy feeling inside like it was telling me that we have something to talk about.

Once I was successfully down stairs I began to fumble with my phone, trying to look for the familiar contact name. I came across the number I was looking and clicked on the call button before placing the phone on my ear. It rang several times but none answering it. I waited and waited oonly to have a robotic voice answer for Jiyeon. I sighed expecting that it would happen but didn't give up which led to me making another phone call.

Like the perivous attempts no one answered except for a ring followed by the same robitc woman. Taking my third and last call for the day before giving up, I prayed for hopes of at least someone else answers the phone I've been trying to reach.

Series of rings began to rang and rang in my ear. I already got the idea of no one would answer as all my hopes ran out, I just waited until the ringing stops before I completely hang up. I expected to receive the same response. But no.

Finally someone answered. And that someone was the pereson I yearned the most to see, to talk to, and to hold again.

"Hello?" Jiyeon said from the other line.

"Hey." I let out a shaking breath of relief, happy that she finally picked up. I felt like all my problems just got lifted off my shoulders by the time I heard her voice speaking me once again, even if it was just through a mobile device.

I guess I expect too much today as I began expecting for us to have one of our normal hour-talk-through-the-phone like what we usually did when we are calling each other, even if we were just a wall apart, but I got something I didn't expect to hear.

"Felix, listen to me and try and cope up with my words as best as you can withouth interrupting." I nodded but realized that she couldn't see me through the phone.

"Yeah." She took in a deep breath.

"Okay. Listen to me. You are not safe, nor am I. You need to be cautious of your surroundings, Felix. Choose the people you trust. Not all that seems to appear true to you are real. The only people you can trust is my, Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Chan, and Takihiko and no one else. Not even your girlfriend." She said in an urgent tone. I was about to ask something but decided against it, remembering what she told me a while ago. My silence urged her to continue.

"Follow my instructions, Lee Felix. Tomorrow you will go throught school ALONE. Go to school alone, pay attention to class alone eat alone and leave the classroom alone. However, you are allowed to leave the room but not the school premises. NEVER leave with any of us with you, otherwise stay in front of my locker. Wait there until somebody comes to you. If that person is someone you don't know ask him this, "Are you up high?", and if this person answers the phrase, "High above the sky.", trust that person amd let them take you to where ever they told you to go. If something happens..." She kept quiet for a few seconds.

"... Always know that I love you. And stay safe. For me


For Us." Then she hung up. Millions of thoughts then started to bombard my mind but one stood out the most.

'I'll do it. For us'

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