Chapter 3

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Autumn's POV

"Go fish" I said as I yawned. Sometime after our drinks, Louis convinced me to come with him to babysit his sisters. Being the good friend I am, I spent the last hour playing Go Fish with his twin sisters, Daisy and Phoebe.

"Aha I won." Louis proudly said.

"Woohoo." I sarcastically responded, clapping my hands.

"Cmon Autumn don't be such a sore loser." He said grinning,

"Whatever." I replied rolling my eyes. "Do you mind if I crash here tonight? It's almost one o'clock and I'm completely exhausted."

"Mhmm you might be able to." He said smirking. "I'll go get you something to sleep in."

It only took him a few minutes until he came back dressed in his PJ's with one of his shirts and sweat pants in his hands.

"Thanks Lou." I said sleepily.

"No problem. You can sleep in our guest bedroom. Go upstairs, take a left and then another left."

Even though Louis's house was huge, I still knew my way around. In a matter of time, I found the room where I would be sleeping in.

Its baby blue wallpaper and white bed sheets soothed me to sleep. My dreams being filled with alluring green eyes and brown curls.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Ello?" I sluggishly answered.

"Autumn, where are you?!?" My mothers loud voice screamed through the phone.

I groaned looking at the clock, it read 9:30. Shit! I forgot about my brunch with my mother and Lilly.

"I spent the night at Louis's. I'm so sorry, I'll be at the brunch as soon as I can." I quickly hung up, knowing that my mom hates when I'm late and she would keep ranting.

I ran downstairs with as much speed as I could muster, bumping into Louis sister, Charlotte.

I muttered a "Sorry." which she responded with a chuckle.

"Hey Speedy. Why are you leaving so soon?" Louis questioned while sipping a cup of tea, his favorite drink.

As I was putting on my coat and shoes, I replied, " I have to meet Lilly and my mother for brunch. It completely slipped my mind and I'm running late. I'll give you back your clothes later. Thanks again. Bye." I rushed out the door before he could respond.

In a matter of thirty minutes, I went to my house, changed into new clothes, and I had just arrived to the country club, walking through the glass doors.

When I got to the table I saw my very frustrated mother and Lilly.

"Hello mother. Sorry for being late."

"Well if you would have arrived sooner, you would have heard Lilly's wonderful news." My mother said while sipping her wine.

"What's up?" I turned my attention to Lilly.

"Well since Liam's tour has just ended and is returning home, I thought it would be a good idea to throw him a small party. I know you don't really feel comfortable around him, but I thought.."Lilly nervously paused.

"Thought what? I told you I don't have any feelings for him..." I started but my mother quickly interrupted.

"Autumn, how could you say such a thing. Liam has done so much for you. For us, after your father's death."

"Mother, I care for him as a brother. Nothing more. And if you would excuse me." I said standing up. I was annoyed with everyone, assuming how I feel, and telling me what to do.

"Autumn." My mother started but I ran away before she could continue.

I ran until I stopped at the garden so I could collect my thoughts for a minute, then I would return to brunch.

I admit I was hurt and still am when Liam left to go on tour. Everyone could clearly tell how I felt. He was my first boyfriend and he just left like I meant nothing to him. I truly did love him but now that I look back on it, it was merely just a high school romance. I still love him, just not the same way I did before.

My thoughts were interupted by a small cough. When I turned around I saw Harry staring at me.

"Yes?" I shakily questioned. I hate that he had that effect on me.

"Want to go on a walk?" He questioned with a smirk, his green eyes once again captivating me.


Thought I would write another chapter before I went to bed. I will try my best to write one or two more tomorrow. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or comments just message me:)

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