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It took a full week for me to earn Douglas' trust, but I was sure he would give it to me eventually. Along with his trust, I was included in on his plans. Peace had mapped out ideas to either hack the Province's mainframe or break into one of their facilities, but the two weren't as easy as it sounded. Still, I was up for it and agreed to help him in any way I could. But my promise fell flat when he'd made his request:

"We'll need Roger."

No one knew that Roger and I hadn't spoken for days. I'd spent my mornings with Erica, observing the computers and files she controlled. My evenings were spent tailing Matthews, though it bothered him to hell and back. By the time I fell asleep, the static had faded away, and my dreams were pictureless and boring.

At first, I didn't mind his absence because I was angry, confused, and needed time to think. Yet, when the next weekend fell into the late evening, I realized I'd started to miss him. It was hard talking to someone endlessly for months, only to have them ghost you without notice.

As I laid in the new bed Douglas had given me, I pulled the black sheets under my chin in thought. Though, my thoughts weren't silent. "I know you're there," I whispered, staring out the window beside me. "And I wished you'd just talk to me."

There was no response from Roger's end, just static. I took in a long breath before I dropped down on my shoulder to fully face the window. The stars were appearing in the sky one at a time, like someone powered on their light switch. "You can't ignore me forever."

"I believe I can."

Honestly, I hadn't expected him to respond, but the fact that he did made me smile. I wondered if it had to do with the night sky. Distrust and uncertainty, I'd made him a promise to always be his eyes; I couldn't go back on my word.

"You can't," I muttered after a moment. "You're in my head."

"Trust me, I can," he hissed. "And I have if you haven't noticed. Don't forget you've ignored me just fine."

He had a right to be upset. Just as I had a right to second guess his actions. "Well, you started it." I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling instead.

"I did." I heard him rustle around wherever he was. "With good reason."

Outside the window, the air blew against the domes huddled together to beat the cold. I felt a gentle gust slip through a crack within the gap. Rubbing my arm, I reminded myself winter was nearly over. And perhaps, the takeover would be too.

"What reason?" I closed one eye. "You said you'd never leave me alone."

The light from my watch drew my gaze. Roger's face covered its screen. Lifting my wrist, I looked at his frown and wondered what went through his mind. "I'm in your goddamn head, Clara. I can't leave you alone."

Well, shit, I wasn't expecting that. I returned his frown just as he gave it to me—deep in sorrow, torn in pain. I couldn't believe that was the response I got. We spent months talking to each other, getting to know one another. And yet...

I sat up and tapped my watch's screen. "Are you?"

He rolled his eyes. "Am I what, Clara?"

"Are you really in my head? Or are you somewhere else?"

Roger drew back slightly, giving me a clear view of the white space that surrounded him. I told myself when I'd started to listen to Douglas that I wouldn't allow him to pull me back in, but I couldn't get over the look in his eyes. The glow was bright with emotion, his face pink in frustration.

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