Ch. 9 Attention To Detail

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*Niall's POV*

Everyone immediately relaxed from our tense positions. Tessa dragged Sophie away to take pictures with a select few lucky fans from the audience. The boys and I just chatted about how everything was going. What seemed like one minute instead of five, we were back on air. Live interviews were completely nerve racking, especially for me since I had such a bad habit of cursing.

"We're here with One Direction, and Zayn, how did you feel about the girls joining the band?" Hartley asked.

"I was worried that I wouldn't like them, or they'd mess something up on stage, but I think it's obvious neither of those things are true." The audience clapped and shouted. I figured if I screamed, "I just farted!" which I didn't, they'd holler and clap.

"And now I'm asking everyone about Niall and Tessa. How does everyone feel about them?"

"Well-" Tessa started.

"Besides Niall or Tessa!" Hartley specified. There was yet another moment of laughter.

"I'm really glad they're together. As everyone can see, she actually fits into his arms. They had an instant connection, and they both love each other a lot. Their...adorableness makes them so perfect," Harry stated. Hearing that made me beam at him with gratitude. The crowd again applauded.

"I agree, and I'm glad Niall finally had the guts to ask her out. I know it was only four days, but since we met them, she's all I heard him talk about!" Louis added. Everyone laughed, and Tessa faced me again with a questioning look. I couldn't help but blush and nod.

"They really were made for each other, and I'm happy for Niall since he found that one special lady like he's always said he wanted," Zayn concluded. I glanced over at Liam who was looking at the floor and shuffling his feet, not daring to say a word.

"Now, Niall and Tessa, you may speak," Hartley allowed.

"Well, when he first crawled into the trailer I was in, it was love at first sight. Although mine was mostly fangirling, there was real emotion also. I mean, I like him now for who- who he is, and the amazing guy Niall tends to be, not just for his looks or his stereotype."

"I couldn't agree more. That's what I look for in a girl. Someone who likes me for me. I couldn't be happier with anyone else or imagine any other face as the light at the end of my forever alone tunnel." I said while smiling at Tessa.

"How adorable! I have to say no other couple has looked as cute as you both. Now, let's go to the audience for questions!" Hartley held the microphone up to a nervous girl, about the age of 14. She still had braces, and she was shaking as bad as Tessa when she's had too much caffeine.

"Tess-ssa, h-how are you c-c-coping with the hate from Niall fans? By the way I ship you both completely and couldn't be any happier for you, Niall!" She was literally crying by the end of her question. I noticed Tessa staring at her with much interest, then even she got a little teary eyed. I worried for her, was she going to pull through this whole interview?

"Well the hate isn't that hard to put up with. I mean, I know it's not the best feeling to have your celebrity crush get a girlfriend, and I completely understand where they're coming from. Yet, I know hating any of your favorite celebrities' girlfriends, like myself won't make that celebrity love you or even know you." I automatically respected Tessa even more. Everything she said was spot on. All the sudden she raised from my lap to start heading for that little girl and Hartley. I had to admit I was somewhat disappointed not to have her nice body touching me anymore. "What's your name, sweetie?" she asked.

"E-Ella." Now Ella was gasping for breath and crying even harder.

"Alright Ella, do you mind if I sit with you for the remainder of the show?" She jumped up and down with excitement nodding yes, but unable to speak. A single tear rolled down Tessa's cheek.

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