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It was the year 2015. I was in the eighth grade along with my best friend Alyssa. We had PE together and we'd always meet up by the gym before we got dressed. The bell was about to ring and she hadn't showed up yet and I started to wonder where she was because she never missed school. Later that day I texted her

"Hey Alyssa I noticed you weren't at school today and you never miss school, are you okay ?"

A few moments later my phone buzzed, she replied

"Of course, just have a little cold."

I felt a sense of relief knowing she was okay and her cold was all that was wrong. Although lately I noticed Alyssa hasn't been acting like herself.

The next day at school I asked her if she was okay.

As she answered me the bell for class rang which kept me from asking if she was really okay.

We went our separate ways and as I turned back she looked sluggish and not at all like herself. This worried me because this wasn't the girl I met in the sixth grade.

The school day finally ended and we met under the tree in front of our middle school like we did everyday. I asked again

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yes," she said with a smile on her face giving me reassurance.

From that day forward she'd reassure me with a smile that was so bright it could be seen for miles.

Alyssa and I were best friends, sisters, partners in crime you name it that was us. We would do everything together. Whatever it was we were the first to do it. We'd always talk on the phone or text 24/7

It was a Friday night, the full moon was out and there was a light breeze outside and I wanted to get into some trouble.

ring, ring, ring........... please leave a message fo-

I hung up the phone before the sentence even finished. I had decided to send a message

"Hey Alyssa, lets do something tonight ! I wanna get into some trouble and I can't without you"

Delivered 8:17

I tossed my phone onto my bed and watched it turn face down. Getting ready to shower and get ready for the night at glanced at my phone. I left it there hoping that when I was out there would be a message from Alyssa.

I got out of the shower and looked at the electric clock directly above my bed and it read


I didn't realize how long I took. Once I got dressed I went to pick up and looked at the screen and there still wasn't a response.

I opened up our messages and seen

Read 8:19

Lost with confusion on why she left me on read I tried to call her

ring, please lea-

I hung up before it could finish. A bit of anger built up inside of me because she was ignoring me. I started to think maybe she wasn't okay. Then a moment later I could see her reassuring smile in my head and immediately stopped thinking the worst.

Later that night I changed into my pjs I got as a gift. They were black with pink polka dots. The pants didn't match the top but they were very comfortable.

I lied in bed and stared at the ceiling for about 45 minutes. I kept thinking about how Alyssa left me on read. I wanted to picture her reassuring smile in my head but I just couldn't. I had a unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I pulled out my phone and tried to call once again

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