Jack woke up the next day shirtless beside somebody else who was shirtless. He knew he saw the person before but he didn't know him. He wondered why he was shirtless next to a stranger instead of Zach. Wait a minute, why am I thinking about Zach? Who is he?
Daniel opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep from them. Once he saw the shirtless boy beside him, he jumped up and off the bed.
"Who are you and why are you half naked in my bed?" Ocean eyes screamed.
"I'm Jack. And I have no effing clue why or how I'm here. I don't even know you." Noodle head replied.
"Well I'm Daniel. I'm in the band Why Don't We."
"Me too! How don't I know you?"
"Maybe some voodoo." Daniel chuckled and Jack chimed in. They both knew that voodoo couldn't be a possibility.
Little did the boys know, there was some sort of voodoo involved with their loss of remembering each other.
When Zach gained consciousness again he was laying on his air mattress in the corner. He reached his hands up to his face remembering the deal he had recently made. When he felt skin, actual human skin, Zach freaked out and had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't just dreaming.
Zach needed to find Jack and tell him the good news. He also needed some of that smokin' hot body but that can wait. He zoomed out of the room and into the hallway. Zach opened Daniel's door to see Jack and Daniel shirtless laughing about something.
"HOLY SHIT ZACH I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" daniel yelled and hugged him.
"Me too. But I have my sources." He replied squeezing the brunette hard.After Zach and Daniel's fifteen minute hug broke apart Zach stood with open arms to the boy he's always loved. Jack just sat in the corner confused. Who was this boy? Why could Daniel remember him but I can't? Do we mean something to each other? Something important?
"Come on Jacky. Don't leave me hanging. I've been waiting a year to give you a real hug." The younger boy chuckled at himself. (Me tho when I tell a joke that's not funny)
"I- do I know you?" Jack asked.
"Haha, very funny. Come here babyyy or I will tickle you. I know your weak spots." Zach stepped closer.
"No, go away!" Jack yelled.
Daniel instantly jumped up and wrapped Jack in a securing hug. All the while whispering soothing things like "shhh." And "it's going to be okay." Also "calm down sweetheart."
Zach definitely was hurt. His heart. He had loved this boy so much. He needed this boy. And that boy, didn't even recognize him? His one true love, doesn't know who he is. How is he supposed to live with that since the only one he loves is closer to Daniel now? The only reason he made that deal was to be with Jack! Something was definitely wrong. Zach had to go somewhere private. He didn't want Daniel and Jack to see him cry.
"I-I'm gonna go." He rushed out the door before anyone could say anything.
Zach locked himself in his bedroom.
"Cas? Can you hear me?"
"Yes Zach, I can hear you. Unfortunately."
"Oh shut up, you love me. Anyways, can you teleport me into the 'afterlife'?"
"I do love you. It depends, why do you have to go?"
"That piece of shit lied. Jack doesn't remember me." A tear slipped down his cheek.
Castiel then appeared in front of Zach and wrapped him into a hug. That's when Zach lost it and he started soaking cas's trench coat in tears. "My true love doesn't fucking remember me."
"Shh. It's all going to be okay, Zach. I'm here. Cry into my coat for as long as you need."
"Thanks, Cas. You being here for me really means a lot."
"Well, I am your guardian angel. So, it's kind of my job. But, don't worry Zach, I will always be here no matter what. Job or no job, I will be here."
That's all Zach needed. A friend. A shoulder to cry on. Castiel is just like a big teddy bear anyways.
>so that's a wrap for now
>nobody is commenting about Castiel and if you don't watch supernatural wyd?

Makin' deals with the devil// sequel to him a jachary fanfic
FanficZach's been gone for a year now. Him and Jack communicate everyday. Unfortunately, Zach can see everyone else but the only one of them that sees him is Jack. They want to get married, but you can't marry a dead man. What happens when Zach gets an o...