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"A lonely girl, with her vacant stares, screaming in silence, but nobody cares."

I woke up to a grey sky, filled with gloomy clouds, a light sprinkle, and overall sadness. I could already tell that this day would be hell. Luckily it was a Friday meaning that I only had to sit through 7 hours. 7 horrible horrible hours. I felt so drained of energy and dead from all the crying I did the night before, so I just threw on some grey nike joggers and a random crewneck with my hair down.

I slowly walked to my locker, only to stop in my tracks when I smelled the faint stench of paint. On the front of the metal door, someone had spray painted with bold red letters, "slut." There was a bit of mud and grass, smeared and splattered on it, and as people walked by, their noses crinkled at the smell, an obvious look of disgust written on their faces.

I turned on my heel keeping my head down as I quickly walked to the bathroom, only to bump into...Isabella.

Tears were already filling my eyes and I tried to move past her, but it was too late.

"Where are you going bitch?" she sneered inching closer to me, her thick fragrance inclosing me.

"Please Isabella, I don't want to start a fight" I said choking on tears. The last thing I remembered was when she pulled back her fist and met my jaw with it.

I woke up with my vision blurry, my head throbbing. I slowly looked around allowing myself to fully wakeup. I saw the plain white ceilings, the faint scent of medicine, the blue bed underneath me and realized I was in the nurses office.

Mrs. Andrews came in looking up and offering me a small smile as she walked towards me.

"What happened?" I croaked, my throat dry.

"Oh honey, a nice group of girls said they found you in the bathroom lying in a mess of blood. They said you might have gone unconcious so they brought you here. How sweet." Mrs. Andrews said while smiling.

I felt my fists clench because I knew the group of girls was Isabella and that she beat me up then brought me here.

"I think you're good to go," Mrs. Andrews continued, "I cleaned up your cuts, they'll heal in about a week or so. You can go home now," she said with a small smile.

I returned her with a weak smile and left. If Isabella even layed a single finger on me 6 months ago, I would have slapped her so hard that she would be walking around with a red hand print on her face for days. But now, I was just too tired. Mentally, not physically.

As I went outside, I realized that the rain was starting to come down even harder and that I was just in my tanktop. The nurse must have taken off my crewneck. I quickly made my way to the parking lot, but stopped when I saw the shiny black bike, and heard voices.

"Isabella, stop I can't do this."

"Ashtonnn, you guys broke up already," an annoying voice purred.

"Isabel-" Ashton's voice got cut off and that was when I quickly ran to my car. I quickly glanced back and saw Isabella and Ashton making out- and he seemed like he was enjoying it. My vision started to blur as I quickly made my way to my car.

But then I heard his voice.

"Alexa!" I glanced back to see him, his eyes wide with guilt. He pushed Isabella off of him and made his way toward me.

Before he could reach my car, I quickly started the engine and drove off. I could see him standing there, his eyes filled with hurt, sadness, and... regret? But he's the reason we're over, he's the reason why I've been crying nonstop, he's the reason why my family is falling apart.

How did my life become this huge mess? How could Ashton do this to me? How could Ali do this to me? We're sisters! I started letting the tears out as I reached the mansion. My mom had left with her trophy husband, my dad only cares about alcohol. I really had no one left. I sat there in the car, my head in my hands, thinking about how fucked up my life was. How everyone leaves.

Everyone who I ever loved hurt me. And the worst part is that they didn't give two shits.

I made my way up to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, trying to wake myself up from the nightmare people called life. I angrily brushed my hair out feeling some of my hair tear at the force I was using. I glanced at the red eyed girl in the mirror and chucked the brush at it. Hearing the comforting sound of the glass shattering, I took a piece and dug it throw my skin. Letting out sobs of relief of pain, I walked to my closet, took out my longest belt and tied the knot that I knew how to perfect. I took a deep breath, pulled the hoop over my head, stood on the small wooden stool and tied the other end onto a cold metal bar that hung on the ceiling of my closet.

Every single threat, comment, swear word that people directed at me came flashing through my head. As I stood on my toes at the corner of the chair, I could hear the faint whispers of my mom's cold voice, my dad's slurred words, Ali's high pitched screeches, Isabella's mocking sounds, and mostly, Ashton. His comforting deep voice, his warm brown eyes. My head started aching begging me to stop, but I hadn't even stepped off the stool.

Then I did the one thing I promised him that I would never do. I jumped.

I felt the hoop immediately tighten around my throat and close my airway. The leather cutting into my neck. My lungs were lit on fire, and my head felt light. I could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head, my vision becoming blurry, and black dots slowly dance across. I felt like my entire head was exploding, so I slowly closed my eyes , and it was over. The pain was over. The fight ended.

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