Him again

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"Scars on her body, scars on her soul. This hateful world has taken its toll."

Chapter 3


The bell for lunch finally rang, and I eagerly jumped out of my seat and ran to the cafeteria. As I was turning a corner I bumped into...him again. I swallowed back a big lump in my throat as he stared at me with his deep brown eyes. I nervously bit my lip, and..

"Didn't I tell you to watch it this morning?" he hissed.

I rolled my eyes. Even though he intimidated me, I wasn't afraid to stand up for myself.

"Hey, you bumped into me," I hissed back.

People began to turn and stare because high schoolers are just nosy little-

Ashton leaned forward and pushed me up against the lockers. He started back into my bright green eyes and then I noticed the tiny hesitation and flicker down at my lips. When I realized that he was about to lean in I quickly shoved him back.

He looked up surprised, along with many other people.

I rolled my eyes in disgust and walked away while I heard Ashton's friends hooting and yelling snide remarks.

I turned around and flipped them off, just to see Ashton smirking.

I shook my head, processing what happened and stopped when I saw Christine making out with her boyfriend Luke. I cleared my throat and saw Christine quickly pull away and stare at me while her cheeks turned a rosy pink.

"I-I I was just about to go find you," she stammered, her light blue eyes turning big.

"It's fine Christine. Seriously." I said.

She looked relieved and quickly pecked Luke on the cheek as she turned to go to the cafeteria with me.

As I walked through the doors, a lot of people started staring.

"Why is everyone staring at us," Christine whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "it's nothing, I just kind of ran into a guy and flipped him off."

Her light blue eyes turned big, and she hissed into my ear, "WHAT, what happened why didn't you tell me?"

I stared at her unamused. "well, I was about to, but then I saw you eating Luke's face." I smirked as her face turned bright pink.
I sighed, "Let's get food, then I'll tell you what happened."

I quickly grabbed a turkey sandwich, an apple, a bottle of water and paid for it at the register.

Since Christine and I weren't the most popular people, we sat down at a table in the far back corner and I began telling her what happened, until I was I noticed someone picking up the apple from my lunch tray.

"What the-" I started until he cut me off.

Sorry if the format on this is all messed up. I'm new on wattpad, sooo yeah. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story!!

<3 emily

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