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A/N: I'm just gonna put pictures with the title from now on...they may relate with the chapter, they may not.


"Can you tell me about Naruto's past" kyu's eyes grew large as he thought of what to do. He knew how mad Naruto would be if Itachi knew of his sins, but he knew he couldn't with hold the truth if the man's concerned for his brother and who he associates with. He knew what he had to do. He sighed.

"Naruto's gonna kill me but. I'll tell you. You better not tell anyone or I'll kill you"

"I promise to keep my mouth shut"

Third POV

The red head looked itachi in the eyes to see if he was telling the truth, and only truth was there. "Ok, Im just gonna say my side of the story, since I wasn't there and I don't know how it all started" Itachi nod his head and got comfortable.

Kyu took a deep breath and began


It all started when kyu just turned 18 and he was finally able to adopt his nephew (well god nephew), Naruto. And if his math was correct the boy was now 10; he was nervous out of his mind. It's been a long time since they last saw each other so he hoped the blond would remember and accept him.

He walked into the orphanage and he got bad vibes instantly and he knew that Naruto probably didn't have the best time here. He went to the desk and told the the owner he was adopting a kid, she looked up his name on the computer to find the confirmation email and the kid he was taking from her. She didn't care about the kids she only used them for government funding and everyone bought it but not kyu, he knew her motives just by looking at her.

She clicked on the file and saw the name that was being adopted, she looked at the screen then kyuubi "what?" He asked with annoyance

"Pft, nothing. It's just that, I'm surprised someone actually cares for it" she said stressing the 'it' making kyu enraged. Then she continued "I'll go get the brat then, the only thing he was useful for was the sweet paychecks, 3,000 a month gone, damn." Then she left.

20 min later she came back roughly pulling on the blond boy's arm, leaving marks. Kyu glared at the action and grabbed her arm harder making her drop Naruto's and deadly looking looking in her eyes "Don't touch my nephew like that ever again , do you understand" kyuubi lowly growled out making the woman shake her head up and down frantically. Kyuubi pulled her closer making his grip tighter and his nails dig in her skin making her start to cry as a small amount of blood cane out "voice it" he said with a sinister smile.

She couldn't believe this guy, he was doing this in front of the kid and she hasn't been this scared since she was five. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, never again, just take the boy and leave" she said sobbing. Kyu chuckled and let go of the woman wiping her blood on her sleeve and pulling out some hand sanitizer to clean his hands. "Tch, come on Naruto, say good bye to that thing" he said walking to the door and Naruto just latched on his had making kyu smile, but it quickly fell when he heard the woman's voice "I'll call the police for harassment you bastard" before kyu could respond Naruto stepped in

"You do that Ms.Tyri, I'm sure they'd love the idea of you having drugs around children and the idea of having special rooms for your special visitors" Naruto said in a matter of fact way and pulling kyu out the door

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