College Dorm

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In this one shot only Spencer and Aria are friends, and Ezria is the same age.

Aria's POV

I struggled to hold back my laugh, as I watched my roommate practically pull her hair out reading through her textbook.

"That's it! I'm going to settle this once and for all!" Spencer shouted angrily, slamming her textbook shut. Dragging herself out of bed.

"Some people need to study." She muttered to herself, shoving her feet into her slippers.

Spencer and I have been close friends since we were in middle school. So it was very exciting to both of us when we were accepted into the same college, and were able to be roommates.

Classes have been in session for a few weeks now, and I was working on unpacking the last couple boxes. While Spencer was working on homework for the night.

While being roommates has worked out great, and we loved sharing a dorm. Doing homework and studying has proven to be quite difficult. Due to our neighbors, who tend to blast music almost every night.

Which was getting on our last nerves by now.

"Now, excuse me while I go yell at our neighbors." Spencer said, swinging open the door to our dorm room.

"I'll go, I'm not dealing with our neighbors hating us for the rest of the year." I said, interrupting Spencer.

"You're to nice though." Spencer complained.

She was right though, I was always told that. Whether it was by family or friends.

"You can't just yell at every person who makes you angry." I replied, leaving the dorm room before Spencer could say anything else.

I knocked on the door to our neighbors dorm. Hoping that they would answer, and that the loud music wasn't completely drowning out the sound of the knock.

"Can I help you?" The one guy asked carelessly, as he swung open the door.

His hair was messy, and he was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Upon first impressions, he seemed pretty careless.

"Hi, my dorms next to yours, and..." I started to say, but was cut off when he walked away from the door.

The door was still wide open, allowing me to see into their dorm. Which was actually pretty neat, aside from a few things lying on the floor.

"So you're the neighbor." Somebody said, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see who I assumed was the roommate.

Immediately noticing how he was dressed nice, along with his neatly combed hair. He also must have turned off the music, as it was completely silent now.

Not to mention his blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'm Aria." I smiled politely, shaking his hand.

"Ezra." He replied. "And that's Hardy." Ezra said, pointing to his roommate.

"We've met. Anyways my roommate and I were wondering if you could please keep your music quieter?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Of course." Ezra smiled.

"Thank you, it's just been distracting." I explained, turning towards my dorm.

"Aria, before you go. Would you like to go get coffee sometime?" Ezra asked, a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"Like a date?" I asked.

"Like a date. That is if you want to?" Ezra asked.

"I'd love to." I answered, with a big smile.

"Does Saturday sound okay?"

"Sounds good. Goodnight Ezra." I smiled, with a wave.

"Goodnight Aria." Ezra called, before I entered my dorm.

I walked back into my dorm looking like a five year old on Christmas morning. Excited to see what Saturday would bring.

Maybe living in a dorm wouldn't be so bad after all.

Hi, here's another one shot. Now, I don't even know what this one shot is. It seemed like such a good idea in my head. But, I hope some of you enjoyed it. Vote and comment if you did.

For any of you that celebrate, have a great Easter.

And until next time,

Ezria- A series of One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now