adored by him pt.2

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A/N: i just realized i never say what POV these are so theyre all in 3rd person but sometimes ill make it the reader or finn or something like that

oh my thank u for the reads its growing so fast?? ily guys

also sorry for not updating im lazy lol

y/c/e: your colored eyes

looking at the person you love the most being happy can start a fire in your heart, but when they're happy because of someone else, it breaks. and that's exactly what happened to y/n.

"finn..." sadie began speaking. everyone was heartbroken at the state y/n was in, and they had just seen her leave the hotel room to god knows where.

"NO," finn screamed as he got up and put his hands in a fist. "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT. I-I WAS SO DUMB AND BLIND TO REALIZE SHE LIKED ME!" he sat on the couch that y/n's crying body was previously on, despite the tear-soaked pillows.

"im so stupid," he put his hands on his face as he cried. "all the signs showed but i was too stupid to realize it." he said choking on his words.

"finn," millie said looking at his mental state. "go to her."

"w-what?" finn asked looking up with his tear stained eyes.

"i know you love her," millie said fighting back the tears. "and its ok." she said again, with a small smile across her face.

"i-i.." finn stammered.

"you care about her more than you do all of us in this room combined finn, go to her." millie whispered to him grabbing his both of his hands.

finn nodded before grabbing his coat and rushing out the door, on the search to find y/n. he slammed the door behind him before running could be heard and charlie crossed his arms.

"young love, am i right?" he said with a grin as his thick british accent seeped through. "oh shut up! we've been in love at a young age too." natalia laughed as she slapped his arm and everyone gave him a smile, hoping that finn would find y/n soon.


it was late at night, around 11 pm, and finn still couldn't find y/n. he had looked in all the places she could have gone, the park, the ice cream place they always went to when they came here, he even walked around the hotel and checked in unusual areas like the supply closet and the girl's bathroom as he was desperate to find her.

"wait," finn thought to himself as he sat on a couch in the lobby of the hotel. he gave up looking for a while but he still needed to find her. "the arcade?" he asked himself, quickly denying the idea because he thought the arcade was closed at this time at night. but fortunately, he still went.

he stepped outside in the freezing cold, placing his beanie over his ears and wrapping his arms around his body as his body temperature dropped.

he ran towards the arcade, it only being a few miles away. his quickened his pace when he saw a figure sitting outside of the arcades and ran as fast as his legs could carry them. then he saw a crying y/n.

"y/n?" he whispered as he put his hand on her shoulder. she looked up and flinched. she was scared he was going to yell at her for being so stupid and mourning over someone who'll never love her back.

"a-are you g-going to y-yell at me?" y/n shuddered at the thought. the last thing she needed right now was someone yelling at her, especially the person she loves.

"why would you think that?" finn asked, he never once had the thought of yelling at her ever. he wiped her tears off with his thumb as her crying began to die down.

"because i love you" she mumbled to herself, the sound was almost inaudible to him, but her heard anyways.

"i love you too though." he whispered back, now staring into her y/c/e eyes.

"you cant love me though." she said back. she looked at the ground in shame.

"and who said i cant do that?" he asked back with a smirk. he lifted her head up from her chin with his finger. (sTOP GETTING IDEAS NASTIES KDZKISKZJSK)

"you're with millie." she stated monotonously, with almost not expression.

"weird, shes the one who told me to come here." he said playfully.

"wait- she did?"

"yeah. i think she would also tell me to do this." he grabbed her chin and connected their lips, and just like that, they felt sparks. finn never felt this with millie whenever he kissed her. and y/n, to her embarrassment, has never been kissed before, never even on the cheek.

their lips parted and they stared into each others eyes once more.

"whoa." y/n said.

"whoa indeed." finn said back, still holding her cheek.

"how about we walk back to the hotel, hm?" he stated, grabbing one of her hands and lifting her up.

she didn't say anything, she just smiled back, and that was enough for finn.

a/n: this sucks but whatever

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