Chapter 10

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The word goodbye echoed in the darkness.

The voice attached to it sounded familiar.

White light came into my vision. Where am I?...


Everything started to come back to me. My brain hurt. I grabbed it wanting to cry out in pain, but my mouth didn't budge. I looked at the doors and saw that they were just closing. Someone had left only seconds before I woke up.

I awkwardly ran to them. My body feeling foreign to me. As I went through the doors I looked down the hall where I could hear fast footsteps fading from me.

I saw him at the end of the long hallway. His body was different, but I was sure it was him.

I ran towards Hoseok not thinking about anything but catching up. He can't just say goodbye and leave me. I caught up and grabbed his wrist.

He turned to face me aggressively, but his expression changed the moment he saw me.

"Hoseok?" I was able to mutter.

It almost looked like he was forming tears and was about to say something, but his expression swiftly changed to terrifyingly serious. He expertly moved me to be behind him as his right hand went up, gun ready. He was protecting me. Again.

He shot at ten cyborgs that were about to shoot at us. What was going on? I was then aware of my surroundings. Blood and corpses everywhere, a mixture of human and cyborg.

Without fail Hoseok shot all of them directly at their heads to stop them from killing us. He didn't seem happy about ending them but there was no choice. It's them or us.

"Let's go" he told me and grabbed my wrist to follow him.

But that's when everything went dark again, like my mind was shut down. I was back in the void.


When my vision was back I was on Hoseok's shoulder. He was carrying me and running away from JK01 headquarters. The large building then exploded. The colors bright and warm, oddly beautiful for something so destructive

My mind went dark again. A feeling of nothingness. Disconnected from my body. It felt like a dream where you're drowning in deep dark water. Not knowing which way is the surface, but somehow sinking deeper down. A threat beneath me. Waiting to consume me whole.

"Yoongi.... Are you there? I know you're in there..." Hoseok's voice seemed tired. I saw his face at first. He looked concerned. Probably because I was unresponsive.

"I'm here" I managed to say. It felt strange to speak as my voice was similar to how it used to be but no longer human.

He smiled at me. How was he able to be so expressive? Being in a robotic body now it feels like it is impossible to force my body to show my emotions.

"W-what happened?" I was still trying to get the hang of this new feeling. My voice sounded like a talking toy running low on it's battery.

His face twisted in confusion and concern.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

I thought about it. "Well just before there was an explosion... Before that... I ran to you... And before that..." I winced as my head hurt from remembering but I continued to say it. "I remember the pain. The saw."

He spent the next hour telling me what had happened over the last few months.

Even though I knew what was going to happen to me, just being in this new body was still shocking. On top of that I finally knew who Hoseok used to be as he explained his history to me. I was glad to know him better as a person and not from the point of view of that monster.

"I really thought you died on that operation chair." he said quietly.

We both sat there in silence for a moment. I wanted to change the subject, so I decided to ask him something.

"Is it normal to come in and out of consciousness in the beginning?" I didn't understand why I kept blacking out.

He looked into my eyes. "No, it's not."

He seemed to be mad, not at me necessarily but at the situation.

"T-then what's wrong with m-me?" no not again... My vision went black. The void welcoming me once more.

What was going on? Why was this happening? I tried to think about the possibilities. What would make a cyborg function like this? The only conclusion I could make was that I was malfunctioning because the labs were destroyed. But then again, Hoseok seemed to be functioning normally. So, what's wrong with me?

The depths of the void felt more threatening now. The deeper I went the darker it became.

I now understood what was below me. The closer I got to it the more I understood it.

If I reach the bottom...

I will...

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