Sick Days For Young Boys

145 4 7

(Orphan family boys!)

Alex: 7

John: 9

Aaron: 11

Herc: 13

Laf: 15

George: 17

(Fam 2)

Thomas: 40

Sally: 37

James: 14

John (Adams): 9

Eliza: 22

Angelica: 29

Modern AU


"Aaron doesn't have to go to school, so why should I?" Alex whined, glaring at the obviously sick Aaron, who was sitting as far away from everyone as he could.

"Alex, Aaron is sick, that does not mean you don't go to school." George said, setting a phone down next to Aaron. "I will be right back, Marie's number is already plugged in, call if anything happens." George smiled as Aaron nodded, his eyes closing. George quickly turned back around, thankful to see John, Herc and Laf ready.

"I don't wanna go to school." Alex let his body lean onto Herc, slowly falling to the ground.

"Aye, Mon ami. Stand back up. Aaron will be fine. Come on, I have to meet someone at the gates!" Laf finally burned out, picking up Alex's backpack.

"Oh, looks like Marie has a little friend, huh? James again? Or maybe Philip?" Herc pride, getting a dark glare from Lafayette.

"Okay, down. Alex, you're going to make John late if you keep your tantrum up. Do you really want that?" George asked, picking up the small boy as he grabbed a coat and keys.

"No." Alex said, look back at Aaron. "I'm sorry Aaron. I hope you get better." Aaron mumbled something, pulling his blanket farther over his head, covering himself from the light.

"Okay, let's go."


"George, I'm fine, I don't need a doctor." Aaron groaned as George came back, starting to get on the wrong side of Aaron.

"Yes, you do. I don't care what you say. I already talked with Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, and they said that James came down with the say symptoms a few weeks ago. Four boys in your class have also had it just in the last week. I'm sorry, but I would really like to not have to deal with a sick Alexander, or worse, a sick John." George didn't even want to imagine is both got sick on top of Aaron.

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna go try to sleep this off. Tell the sisters and it'll be the death of you Washington!" Aaron threatened, grumbling as he walked out of the common room, past the younger of the two sisters.

Eliza and Angelica were the sisters in charge of the boy's half of the orphanage, and the had had their hands full since Eliza had found George with Alex and Aaron about two years ago. Angelica had found John after he was kicked to the streets for protesting slavery, and she also found Lafayette, but that was just by chance. Hercules had been there forever. Found in a box when he was just a baby, never adopted, but he didn't seem to care.

The boys stayed together, mostly because of George. Well, about Alex. Alexander was naïve, small, and powerful.

Now, it was true, that you could usually get things Past Angelica, she wouldn't mind, and she wouldn't butt into something if one of the boys didn't want her to. Eliza is not her sister.

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