Freshman: First Day

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Background Info: You're finally here... COLLEGE!!! You couldn't wait for this to happen. All of your friends have went their separate ways besides your best friend, Cassi- she's come along to college with you and of course she's your roommate. You and Cassi have much in common, but the main thing is that y'all work on music all the time-but in different ways. Cassi, see she likes to rap. She loves to write rhymes and make a political statement or make her raps meaningful. You, you just like to bring beats together, you play multiple instruments and sometimes make beats for Cassi. Basically music is what brought you both together. 
First day,
You wake up to the ringing of your alarm. "Damnit.. one thing I didn't miss- was this alarm *turns alarm off* CASSI... wake up girl." Cassi turns over and looks at you. Cassi: "Are you ready?" You shake your head as you get up, "Nope, but... this is the first day, we gotta look forward to somethin. Now today, we gotta go to class, find some clubs to join, make friends... come on." You get up and pick up your phone
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@saucefordayz quote tweeted your tweet Welcome to UCLA! Glad you're here! Hope you enjoy your first year here! replied: College life... I'm ready for ya!!
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You open your phone, "Damn. I'm getting so many notifications... how about you?" Cassi grabs her phone as she gets out of bed, "Girl... I can't count them all..." You laugh and put your phone down, "Imma get dressed. Hmm... let's see... Pink top and jeans ooorrrr this cute Red top with these leather leggings?" Cassi: "Mmmmm... I say.. The pink top and jeans." You smile, "Alright." You and Cassi start to get dressed when there is a knock at the door. Cassi: "Who is it???" "Uhh... I'm the head of the Future of Music club... I have a flyer for you!" Cassi hurries and puts on her top and leggings, "Coming!" You hurry and put on your top and jeans, and follow right behind her. Cassi opens the door. You see this short guy smiling from ear to ear, with dimples as deep as the Grand Canyon, that has beautiful brown eyes staring at you, along with a nice hat that looks forced on all his curls that are coming out the sides, while wearing a nice jacket and jeans, standing at your door holding a flyer. He pauses while staring at you, then Cassi snatches the flyer out his hands, "And your name is...?" He snaps out of it and looks at Cassi, "Ummm, Peter. My.. my name is Peter, but everyone calls me Bruno." Cassi: "Ohhh nice... Bruno... mmm. Well thank you for this flyer." You can't help but stare at him, but then Cassi elbows you, "Ouch!" Cassi: "I'm Cassi by the way. This is my friend..." You rub your stomach, "Hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." Bruno reaches his hand out to shake your  hand, "Nice to meet you too. Welcome to UCLA." You smile, Cassi looks at you then looks at him and smiles. Cassi: "Well thank you again Bruno, we'll definitely be in touch." Bruno pulls his hand back and nods, "Alright, well enjoy your day ladies! See y'all around!" You wave goodbye as Cassi closes the door. Cassi: "Oooooo Y/N has a crush ALREADY?!?" You laugh, "No I... No I do not!" Cassi pokes you, "Yes you do! I saw it written all over your face! I bet he feels the same way about you!" You roll your eyes, "GIRL WE JUST MET!" Cassi: "Have you not heard of love at first sight?" "Oh shut up. Let me see the flyer!" You grab the flyer and read it...

Future of Music
Where we come together to make the future of Music the best it can be!
Pres: Bruno Mars
VP: Phillip Lawrence
Event Coordinator: Jessica Caban
Join us at our first meeting of this semester today to get more info at 11am in the Cafe!
Any questions, call Bruno @ XXX-XXX-XXX

Cassi grabs the flyer, "JESSICA CABAN?? The one from.." You roll your eyes, "Freshman year of highschool? Yup. That's her." Cassi: "No way... I know that triflin' hoe ain't over here in a music club. She doesn't know anything about music!" You laugh, "Ahhh that takes me back to when you fought her ass back then." Cassi laughs, "Bet she never talked about my ass ever again now did she?" "No she sure didn't. That's also because she moved schools.." Cassi: "Spoiled ass, you get in your first fight and lose, then tell your parents to move you... MKAY." You laugh again, "Still can't believe she let herself get beat by a freshman at the time." Cassi: "No matter what grade you in or how old you are- if you deserve to get hit, you gettin hit. Funny cause she was a Sophomore at the time and taller than me and I still dragged her ass." "Yeah, funny shit. Well.. do you think we should actually check this out?" Cassi throws the flyer on your binder, "Mmmm... I think you should check it out. I'm gonna just look out for another music club. I can't with Jessica. And plus... Bruno would love for you to join so you must go." "Ohhh come on! You know I don't wanna do it without you! Just one meeting and see if you wanna stay.. Pleassseee?" Cassi: "We'll see... but for now, I'm gonna head to class. You comin?" You grab your binder and the flyer and slip them into your bag, "Yeah, lets get this thang started." Y'all leave. You really hope Cassi comes to the meeting with you, not just to hopefully join the club with you, but to help you stay together when you see... Bruno again.

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