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The bell rings for class to be dismissed. Jessica turns toward you and Cassi as she gets up. Cassi: "Why hello there...Jess." Jess: "What the hell?! CASSI?? What are you doing here?!" Cassi: "Just to get a degree. While you're over here doing the same old thing huh?" Bruno gets up and Jess rubs on his arm, "And that is?" Cassi: "Sitting up under boys." Jess gasps, "How dare you? Ugh. I didn't miss you at all. *looks over at you* Y/N ohhh what a lovely surprise..." You roll your eyes, "Jess." Bruno turns, "Oh uh... Jess, you know them?" Jess: "Sadly.. yes. I went to school with them only for a year, then I moved." Bruno nods, "Ohh... well if you could hurry, we gotta go eat then go to this meeting." Jess grabs her bag and smirks at you and Cassi. Bruno stares at you as Jess starts to walk. Jess:"Um... Bruno.. You know them?" Bruno: "Uhh, yeah, but we just met ya know.. Um will I see y'all at the meeting?" Cassi smiles as she gets up, "Yes. Yes you will. Right Y/N?" You stand, "Uhh yeah... See you then Bruno." Jess glares at you and grabs Bruno's hand, "Come Babe. Phil and Urbana are waiting." Bruno gives you a slight smile and turns away. Jess whispers to Bruno, "Don't go handing out flyers to people with out me being there. Or at least don't invite them anywhere else." Bruno: "Whatchu mean?" Jess rolls her eyes, "Uhh they just aren't good people. They are problematic... let's just go." You all walk out the classroom. They head to the door that leads to the Cafe while you and Cassi go out the building to get fresh air. Cassi: "Damn..." "Cassi. You think her and Bruno are together?" Cassi: "I don't know... they probably are. Or she hoeing around like she did in highschool." You roll your eyes, "Ugh. Can't stand her." Cassi smiles, "You already like this dude and now you mad cause he has a girlfriend? Yeah. Love at first sight it is." You glare at her, "Shut up. I'm not... ugh whatever. I'm just going to go to the cafe for the meeting, you comin'?" Cassi: "Yeah I guess." You both walk back into the building and head to the cafe. You spot Jess and Bruno in the hall outside of the cafe, right when Jess catches you looking, she dives in for a kiss from Bruno. You give her a glare then turn away. Cassi looks at you, "Don't let her get to you..." You turn away and enter the cafe. You sit at a table with Cassi. 'That bitch.' You think to yourself.
Multiple people come into the cafe for the meeting. Phil walks on the platform, "Hello there fellow classmates! I'm Phil Lawrence, the VP of this club- Future of Music. Y'all are here because y'all have a passion for music and want to make sure the future of music is in good hands- at least I hope so. Let me introduce you all to the other leaders- Bruno Mars, he's the President and will be speaking in a moment and our event coordinator, Jessica Caban. We've had this club for 2 years now, and since I've been in this club, I've enjoyed every moment and it's an honor to take this role this year. Now, so I don't ramble any longer, welcome to the platform, Bruno Mars!" You all clap. Bruno walks up, "Hello everyone, I'm Bruno! I'm honored to be the President of this club and can't wait for everything to start up. Music means everything to me and all of you and I'm hoping we can make the future of Music something special. Now..." As he goes through the info about the club, you can't help but admire him... But then you think- he has a girlfriend.. he has a girlfriend... so you just stop. Towards the end of the meeting- Bruno: "And now we'll have Jessica come up and tell you our events coming up, Jessica." Jess walks up, "Thanks Babe! Hello everyone! I'm Jessica, but you can call me Jess, I'm the event coordinator and I just wanted to let you all know that this Friday, we'll have a party in Dorm room 207- food and drinks will be provided, Music will be played and we're hoping to see all of you there to party with us! We also have our first project, which is to create a piece of Music. Work in groups of 3 or 4 people and create something massive- it can be just beats, or just lyrics or a full song. Of course you all don't know each other so this project will began after the party this Friday, Alright?" Every nods. Jess: "Alright well that's it! Thank you all for coming and see you guys Friday!" Everyone gets up and leaves, you and Cassi stay seated. You see Jess talking to Bruno, "Hey, me and Urbana are going to the mall, I'll be back ok?" Bruno: "Alright." Jess and Bruno kiss again, and Jess leaves with Urbana. Phil walks up to you as he sees you staring at them, "You good ma?" You snap back and look up at Phil, "Yeah... I.. I'm fine." Cassi: "She's just... in a mood." Phil smiles and sits next to you, "Tell me... what's up?" You roll your eyes, "Nothin... I just.." Phil: "Don't like Jess and Bruno... their thing they have?" "Really Phil? How did you just get that from me actin weird?" Phil laughs, "Cause you acted the same way when that guy back in Junior high dated one of your friends instead of you." You laugh, "Ohh yeah... can't believe you remembered that." Phil: "I remember a lot. Now if Jess and Bruno is what you're upset about... I wouldn't worry about them. They gon be stuck together, so either ignore them or get used to it." Cassi: "What she needs to do is talk to Bruno or ya know... Take Bruno." You roll your eyes, "I'm not even gonna try ya know... I thought he was single but... nope. And Cassi you know I'm not like that. I can admire from a distance and feel however I want, but trying to steal him, not in the plan." Phil: "Jess got him on lock... I would just let them be. Don't get upset, and try not to let Jess get to you, just... focus on other things." You nod, "I'll try... anyways. Party on Friday... you goin?" Phil: "Hell yeah I am! And you better go too!" You smile, "Yeah... I'll go Phil, just for you." You both laugh. Cassi: "I'm goin too. Seems like it's gon be lit." Phil: "Ohh it's goin down. Now, this music project... y'all got y'all's group in mind?" "Mmmm... I didn't really think about it yet." Phil: "How about... We be in a group! I know y'all are killas at music, we can make a good ass joint!" You and Cassi laugh, "Not a bad idea Phil." Cassi: "Yeah, not bad at all." Bruno spots you all talking and comes over, "Hey! Do y'all mind if I sit here?" Phil: "Man sit yo ass down. We're talking about the music project... You got a group yet?" Bruno: "You know imma be wherever you go. We can't slit ourselves up." Phil smiles, "Well Aye... how about, all four of us get in a group?" Cassi: "And what does Bruno do exactly?" Bruno smiles, "What do I do? Hahaha ohhh babygirl, you miss out on some things." Phil: "Cassi... Bruno got some PIPES, just like me!" You smile, "Bruno you sing?" Bruno: "Hell yeah I sing!" Cassi: "You look like a singin' boy." Bruno: "I also play many different instruments." "Ahh I do too!" Bruno smiles, "Dang really! That's cool!" You think to yourself, 'Friends... we could be friends!' Cassi elbows you, "Girl this could be amazing!" You clap, "Yesss! I'm here for it." Phil: "Ahh since you and Bruno both play instruments, y'all can get the beat together. Cassi, you still write, right?" Cassi: "Yeah I still write. Mainly rap verses- inspirational type stuff most of the time now." Phil: "Ahhh nice!!! You know I write too! Bruno does also, but he gon do the beats with Y/N, so we could write the verses and we could all get the chorus." Cassi and Phil do a handshake. Cassi: "AYYEEE!! I'm down for it! Let's do this! We ahead already! So when you guys wanna start this joint?" Phil thinks, "Hmmm... ok, well uh... tonight, I'm doin nothing, and tomorrow night... nothin. So we can start tonight! There's a studio near the dorms on the west end of the campus. We can all meet up there around let's say... 7pm?" Cassi: "Yeah that'll work Phil!" Bruno: "Aye, I'll have my instruments there at 5pm, Y/N, you wanna start on the beat a little early?" You nod, "Umm sure! That'll work." Phil: "Alrighhhhtttt. This will work! See y'all tonight!" You all hug each other. When you hug Bruno, you feel warmth. He smells sooo gooooodddddd. His curls are right in your face, but it doesn't bother you, they're really soft and smell like that good moisturizer. Bruno steps back from you, "So I'll see you at 5pm, Y/N?" You smile trying to put words together, "Um yeah... yes! I will see you them." Bruno: "Alright, bye!" You and Cassi wave. Bruno and Phil leave. Cassi hits you, "AHHHHHHH HONNEEYY!!! He asked you to come early to make the beats for the song..." You laugh, "And....?" Cassi: "Ohh you know he tryna get to know you." You roll your eyes, "You heard what phil said... Jess got him on lock. So why even try." Cassi rolls her eyes, "Girl. Please. Tonight you betta get to know him." You laugh, "As a person." Cassi laughs. "And I don't think he's that type of guy... ya know. Ruining his relationship for a hook up." Cassi: "Ehh you have a point." You both walk and carry on y'all's day filled with other classes and such. All you can think about is this studio session with Bruno... is Cassi right? No... he just wants to have time to do the beat... that's it. Right?

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