<<Beginings are endings>>

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Lucy POV
That day was the worst day of my life. The day lissana came back. The day me and Wendy's life turned into a living hell. It wasn't fun...it was terrible. Some good came out of it,(but I'll tell you later >•<). That day me and Team Natsu was hanging out along with Wendy, When suddenly a white haired girl showed up.

"I'm back Minnia!" She said,smiling as there were "tears" in her eyes.

How did I know? It's because that's the same smile I've been using to hide my sadness,but nvm.

"LISSAANA!?" Everyone except the new members said. They all went to hug her.

"Lucy-San,isn't she supposed to be dead?" Said Wendy.

"Yeah but why is she here?" I say confused.

"Juvia is also confused." Said juvia.

Lissana came over and greeted us, "Hello you must be new,I'm lissana."

"Hey..." We all said.

"Well I'm ganna go,bye." Said lissana

We all waved,and then me and Wendy went to hang out with natsu.

But lissana kept giving me looks and she told me to go outside.

Confused I went (hahah I was so dumb ^•^) and then lissana said,

"Stay away from Natsu you bitch,hes mine if you touch him I will kill everyone you care about."

Then she walked away while I stood there shocked,and then went to Natsu.

We went outside,and I told him about what she did.

N=Natsu L=Lucy

L: Yeah she did all that!

N:Luce are you sure ya not jealous?

L:NO! But she said that! You don't believe me 😮

N:Kinda I mean Mira tells me girls are jealous. So yeah just give lissana a chance.


N:Watever Luce take a chill pill

*lucy Heartfilla has left the chat*
*Natsu Dragoneel has left the chat*

Ugh! I HATE HIM! I sulk thinking that tomorrow is going to be better day.

A least I hope so...

Wendy POV
As I'm skipping home,I'm thinking how happy everyone was except for Lucy-San. Oh well can't do anything.

I go to my apartment and take out my pjs while Carla is making dinner.

After my nice long shower and a good hot meal I dive into bed and sleep. hopefully tomorrow is a good day!

At least I hope so...

Hello again it's ME BRAH love the life so much homework and everything >~<, Not enough time to make BOOKS! But so far I have more so that's good! Anyway hope you liked it😊😊

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