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Hello 👋 Hope you enjoy the chapter (Short) also I got Water magic ;)

Wendy POV
Yep we saw a dragon girl,sooo normal. We both screamed.


"Please Princesses do not be alarmed! I'm Samantha and I was sent to look for 2 girls named Lucy Heartfilla and Wendy Marvell, that's you correct?" She said.

"Yes that's us..." we both said.

"YAY! Alright come with me!" She said

Before we could protest she pulled us in.

~Time Skip to dragon realm ~

"Wow..." Said Lucy, I for one was to shocked. It was absolutely amazing.

"Now come on! We must not be late! We have to see the queen!" She said

"Queen?" I thought, We walked up and into the magical castle where we saw Queen...Layla!?

Lucy POV
"MOM!!!" I screamed as I saw her sitting on the throne.

~Time Skip to after she explains everything ~

"Wow that's gonna be cool!" We both Said.

"Ok so Wendy will finish training with grajeen (is that how you spell it?) and Lucy will work with celestia ." Said Layla.

"OK!" We Said and got ready to change.

Sorry this ones short ^_^, But I hope you still liked it!

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