<<Train ride pt 1>>

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Lucy POV
Sleep..sleep..sleep... happily sleeping until.
"HUH!? HUH?! I'm awake!!" I Said

They all start laughing, as they go down to cook breakfast. Oh we're leaving today I forgot.

Anyway I went down seeing all the food and I became like fire head for a minute.

"FOOOOOOOD!!" "MINEEEE" I say, kicking everyone out of my way.

"Sky dragon ROAR!" Says Wendy, and I fall and get up.

"Sorry let's eat!" I say

So we are munching on our food and we get ready to go to the train station.

This is gonna be so cool!

Wendy POV
Everyone was doing different things, things that were normal for our group.

I was just thinking about what Romeo said.

Start of flashback one day after lissana came back~

I was crying,again getting another beating. Lucy didn't know the guild beat me up except for Carla who protected me.

I was so confused. Why? Me and Lucy-Chan did nothing to lissana. So why?

It was another day of getting beaten. I was used to it. Not happy but just used to it.

Until I heard a voice..

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Said Romeo. He stood in front of me and took the hit of Natsus Fire dragon roar.

His father did nothing..

He stood in front of me..

He protected me..


I ran fast with Romeo trailing on me.
I stopped in the forest were I dumped myself in a pile of daisies.

I cried and he hugged me explaining why and comforting me.

Which makes me wonder if I still have a soft spot for


End of flashback~

I have to tell Lucy soon,I don't want Romeo to get hurt.

I..just hope he doesn't turn like them.
Hey guys I hope you liked it! Have a nice Day! ^•^

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