<<Train Ride Pt 2>>

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Lucy POV
This is sooo boring!!! I mean I already finished my book and everyone else is sleeping people!!

I'm just starting out of the window, doing some really deep thinking.

I look at my right hand where my guild mark used to be. I keep thinking about why everyone changed.

Natsu,Erza,Gray...even levy, Everyone hated me and Wendy even though we did nothing.

I kind of remembering what Natsu said to me before lissana came back...

Start of flashback
🔑Lucy POV🔑
Me and Natsu are walking around fairy tails garden, under the big bright moon. Today I remember being so happy.

"Lucy?" Natsu said

"Yes?" I Said

"What happens if someone said they loved you?" Said Natsu

"Oh..Did someone tell you that?" I Said feeling a bit disappointed.
Why? He's my friend I should be happy for him.

"No,but what would you do?" He said.

Oh well that's good! Uhh why I'm I thinking like that...

I kinda started to stare at him and then I realized...

"Natsu..you like me?" I Said

"Yes..lucy will you be my girlfriend?" He said.

"YES" I said.

I remember that day so clear..
I also remember the day he broke up with me..

🔑Start of flashback🔑

Lucy POV
"What...why Natsu?" I Said

He declared that I was not his girl friend anymore..that it was lissana.

It broke me. My heart shattered and when it was HER.

I wanted to kill her,to murder her for taking my happiness away.

I did NOTHING but she does this to me.

I cried..

Wendy came over with Romeo and they hugged me.

Romeo that sweet kind kid. So nice to us.

Please stay that way.

I hope I see him again

I just hope he didn't change

And that he got our message.

Our train stopped, and we all got out.



Hey! How's everyone's day today?
Good? Bad? I hope this made your day a little better or more awesome 👏🏻 anyway have a wonderful day! Keep staying awesome 😎

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